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BioAge is Proud to be a CompWellness Member and Sponsor Click for tutorial on SuperFoods

A Holistic Healing Association
Denver, Colorado | 1-302-586-8665* |

Become a Member
(Major Membership Levels - 8/20/04 Click for All Levels)
1 Rates for Supporting Membership are our List Price rates,
which are discounted 25% from normal market rates.
2 Annual Value based on List Price rates: consulting/coaching, labor, discounts, ad and other.
3 Monthly plans are available for Membership Fees and Packages more than $300

To maintain our Non-Profit Association, provide the highest-quality information and service, and to collaborate in the success and abundance of your business and the Complementary Healthcare community, we invite you to join for the following minimum fees (describe more fully below):
- Professional Member Practitioners, Product Suppliers, Special Services and Facilites $469 ($1.28 per day)
- Non-Profit 501(c) Organizations receive a 35% discount
- Supporting Member $48
Two-year Memberships - add 60% to fees shown.
Renewals for Professional Members (and higher) are about 85% of the posted rate.
$48 discount on Professional Memberships (and higher) to members of ABMP, ACW, AMMA, ARC, CAMA, CAP, CMN and HANG.
 See payment methods below
we do accept credit cards.
Benefits - Professional Members (and higher):
- Article publication (with associated source credit and international web cataloging) for publication in our eGuide and eJournal, summarized in the 21st Century Wellness eLetter, then subsequent submittal to local and national media.
- Toll-free telephone access to the Director/Chief Consultant
- Free Initial Marketing consultation:* refinement and expansion, review marketing materials, suggest ways to implement new ideas ... includes a site visit
- Free Initial Internet consultation:* maximize exposure, use, best design/hosting,
review website, improve search engine ranking ...
- Free Initial Business consultation:* manage your business better, utilize our business consultants, ...
- Free Initial Sales consultation:* convert calls to clients, follow-up, ...
- 30% to 75% discounts on our marketing services, including: additional consultation;* full-color brochure/letterhead/card design and printing; and web ad/page/site design and hosting see our price list
- Inclusion in our online, public Members List
Referenced on all major pages in the site
announced near top and listed on left bar
- 75%-100% discount on a Highlighted Listing Ad with a Logo and a centered 60-word Promotional Layout added to the list of Other Modalities
- Direct client referrals from CWPA and other Members
- Forward your event announcements to the Membership via email, per our Announcement Guidelines.
- $50 (20-25%) discount on memberships with Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals (ABMP), which includes a $1 million liability policy see ABMP's membership page
- $10 (6-13%) discount on memberships with Colorado Association of Psychotherapists (CAP) see CAP's membership page.
- Discounts on memberships with other associations are in negotiations.
Benefits - All Members:
- Member-only information articles, including:
- Success Suggestions for the year
- Practice development tips marketing, referral systems, ...
- Practice management tips insurance, payment systems, credit management, ...
- Internet usage for your business
- Member email list for timely information and announcements
- In the Denver Metro area, additional benefits:
- Several networking and informational gatherings around the area
- Facilitating educational lectures for you to give or receive
- At least a 25% discount on Marketing consultation:* refinement and expansion, review marketing materials, suggest ways to implement new ideas ... includes a site visit
- At least a 25% discount on Internet consultation:* maximize exposure, use, best design/hosting,
review website, improve search engine ranking ...
- At least a 25% discount on Business consultation:* manage your business better, utilize our business consultants, ...
- At least a 25% discount on Sales consultation:* convert calls to clients, follow-up, ...
- At least a 25% discount on a Highlighted Listing Ad with a Logo and a centered 60-word Promotional Layout added to the list of Other Modalities
- Discounts (16-37%) on conferences sponsored or produced by CompWellness Network.
- Public Education - very important through this 500-page Internet site and our local publications.
- Continue to work with media Radio, TV and Print to refine their understanding and coverage of Complementary Healthcare and Wellness by regularly providing them with your story(s).
- Save $100's and enjoy convenient Credit Card Processing for VISA, Master Card, AMEX, Discover or Diners Club, directly into your checking account in about two business days: 3.04 percent + 55 cents per transaction immediately over any push-button telephone anywhere in the US, including HI and AK via their 800 numbers. There is a one-time application and startup fee of $80, a minimum monthly charge of $20 (= the transaction fees on about $650 in charges), and a monthly $5 statement fee. We've also negotiated discounts on electronic transmission equipment when you need it. The service is by NOVA systems, a very strong national company. Once you are a member, you can call or email us for the Association Customer Service number. This is an excellent way to easily encourage on-the-spot purchase of additional products and services
*CWPA Consultation Rate is $120 per hour, minimum 30 minutes
Professional Member (and higher) Qualifications
To enroll, send or email the following:
- References a Professional Member (or higher) or three non-related clients provide phone and, if available, an email address
- Education in primary modality, and appropriate credentials
- License, Registration or Certification, as available
- Location suitable office space, at home or in an office building
Membership Categories
Professional Member $469 (equivalent to $1.28 per day)
This is the next highest level of membership for Practitioners, Product Suppliers, Special Services and Facilities includes Advertising and Writing opportunities, Best Prices on other services, as well as Free Initial Marketing and Internet Coaching
Other Membership Levels
Non-Profit 501(c) Organizations receive a 35% discount
Supporting Member $48
Open to anyone who wants to contribute and enjoy the general Member Benefits
Multiple Professional Members (or higher) at same location subtract 20% per Member
Multiple memberships from the same location, even with different business names, if enrolled at the same time. Includes separate listings, but not separate benefit sets.
Note: We offer a $48 discount on Professional Memberships to Members of ABMP, ACW, AMMA, ARC, CAMA, CAP, CMN and HANG.
Click for a Full Membership Application
Click for a Sponsorship Application
Please send your qualifications and fee today, in US dollars
We accept the following: Check, Money Order, or Credit Card: AMEX only
By check or money order send to:
CompWellness Network Membership
576 Valley Road #276
Wayne NJ 07470 USA
Please call in (888-80-4WELL = 888-804-9355) or email the following:
Full Name (that appears on your card), Credit Card Number, Expiration Date, Billing Address (including Zip Code), and your Contact Phone.
Note: many credit card processing systems are manual like our in-house system your credit card will be processed though a secure system and all information will be kept strictly confidential.
For Internet email security, it is a good idea to send your card number in two parts. Simply prepare your email with part of the number, send it, then immediately send the rest of the number.
Thank you very much for your participation and support. Please send or email your information and fee today.
Kenton H Johnson,

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