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21st Century Wellness eLetter
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(formerly the Year 2000 Healthcare eLetter)
Publisher: Kenton H Johnson, MS .. Editor: Josephine Hehnke, MBA
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ONE-CLICK REGISTER for your FREE, monthly 21st Century Wellness eLetter summarizing New eJournal articles and eGuide Chapters
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Volume 2, Issue 13 August 31, 2000
Volume 2, Issue 12 July 31, 2000
Volume 2, Issue 11 June 30, 2000
Volume 2, Issue 10 May 31, 2000
Volume 2, Issue 9 May 15, 2000
Volume 2, Issue 8 April 30, 2000
Volume 2, Issue 7 April 15, 2000
Volume 2, Issue 6 March 31, 2000
Volume 2, Issue 5 March 15, 2000
Volume 2, Issue 4 February 29, 2000
Volume 2, Issue 3 February 15, 2000
Volume 2, Issue 2 January 31, 2000
Volume 2, Issue 1 January 15, 2000
Volume 1, Issue 13 Monday, December 27, 1999
Volume 1, Issue 12 Monday, December 13, 1999
Volume 1, Issue 11 Monday, November 29, 1999
Volume 1, Issue 10 Monday, November 15, 1999
Volume 1, Issue 9 Monday, November 1, 1999
Volume 1, Issue 8 Monday, October 18, 1999
Volume 1, Issue 7 Monday, October 4, 1999
Volume 1, Issue 6 Monday, September 20, 1999
Volume 1, Issue 5 Monday, September 6, 1999
Volume 1, Issue 4 Monday, August 23, 1999
Volume 1, Issue 3 Monday, August 9, 1999
Volume 1, Issue 2 Monday, July 12, 1999
Volume 1, Issue 1 Monday, June 21, 1999
Monday, December 27, 1999
In the Year 2000, we will be challenged in many ways: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. As we have seen in previous issues, these challenges can effect our health. Our goal then, is to establish the maximum health state possible for ourselves and our loved ones, which is a state of wellness. In addition, we want you to be prepared for the many health conditions that occur in your family.
This issue is focuses on the other sections, some of which contain Complementary Healthcare Self Sufficiency information:
Questions & Answers (Email your questions to us at Info@CompWellness.biz)
Harvesting Herbs Heirloom Seeds eLetter
This is my first year at growing an herb garden. The plants are all doing well, but my question is, when and how do I harvest the leaves for use? Peggy Ann in Bogalusa, Louisiana.
After the crop matures, but before they bloom, pick the leaves for fresh use early in the morning just after the dew dries on the leaves. You can refrigerate the leaves in a plastic storage bag for about a week. For drying herbs, cut the stems of the plant just before the plants bloom. Tie the stems in small bunches and hang in a dry, airy place or in the shade indoors. If drying outside, bring the herbs inside at night to protect from morning dew. Herbs can also be dried using an electric dehydrator, following the manufacturer's instructions. Once thoroughly dried, store leaves in an air tight glass container. Place container in a cool dark location. Crumble leaves just before use, not before storage. When harvesting herbs to use the seeds, pick heads when mature, but before the seed pods shatter. Dry on trays, separate the seeds from the chaff when thoroughly dried, and store in air tight glass containers.
Reader Comments (Email your comments to us at Info@CompWellness.biz
The Last-Minute, Y2k Count-Down, Just-In-Case, Action List
If you're like I am, just recovering from Christmas, it may only now be dawning on you that THIS IS THE WEEK! I find a list of just-in-case preparation action items to be helpful, so am taking the liberty of sharing it with you:
And let's hope we won't NEED any of this! Happy transition!
Please add to this list by emailing me and this eLetter.
Doug Stewart, Eldorado NM Y2K Group
Colloidal Silver (many excellent points) David Litell
If silver is so bogus, why have many water purifier companies added silver for decades to charcoal filters as an agent functioning to slow/stop pathogen growth in ye olde charcoal filter??!!! Why haven't government regulatory agencies declared these to be a public health hazard and issued cease manufacture mandates to those manufacturing companies? Wouldn't the water flowing through the filter dissolve some silver for ingestion? Water is a solvent. Of course, then, you'd have the health problem of colloidal silver in your newly purified drinking water.
In India, an old, old, tradition is silver hammered into almost translucent sheets,and wrapped around foods eaten at wedding receptions. In Himalayan mountain areas like Nepal, a thin, translucent silver sheet was/is sprinkled on dried fruits for travelers, to facilitate their walk over high mountain passes. Silver conducts electricity and temperature rather well. Bodies are electromagnetic. Hmmmmm Oh, one does eat the silvered fruit.
When used with herbs, vitamins, and minerals, for colds, flu and so forth, colloidal silver has helped me and other folks I've spoken to, overcome pathogenic loading. It even works well as an adjunct to antibiotics and codeine cough syrup! (Antibiotic dose reduction)
I think, like other trace minerals, don't overuse silver. (Enzyme activation pathways altered, perhaps?) Employ it as part of a strategy. Address symptoms with aggressive herbal energy movement (TCM, Tibetan, Ayurvedic styles), homeopathics, and nutritional support (vitamin, mineral, trace mineral, enzymes, proteins, amino acids, essential fatty acids, plant sterols, glucans, and so forth).
Your concerns about possible problems and delays next year are important to help folks regain self-reliance, and be responsible for themselves and their immediate nuclear family. (The Feds don't respond as well as the fire department!) We need to move beyond 'water comes from the faucet,' 'electricity comes from the wall,' 'St. John's Wort is herbal Prozac,' 'Ginseng is just ginsenosides,' 'Ma Huang is ephedrine,' 'Golden Seal is berberine hydrochloride,' and so on!
You may print my comments. The more information the better. (Twelve blind men describing an elephant is superior to one or two!)
Sincerely, David Litell
David is an herbalist and formulator of dietary supplements at The Chemins Company in Colorado Springs CO. Chemins is a member of American Herbal Products Association (AHPA), Herb Research Foundation, American Botanical Council, National Nutritional Foods Association (NNFA), and Citizens for Health. David sits on the American Herbal Products Association, Board of Trustees, as the Chemins Company representative. He studies Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic, European, Native American Indian and other systems. He is familiar with gem, metal, and flower essences.
News (Email news leads to us at Info@CompWellness.biz)News report summaries on Healthcare and Y2K follow. We have most of the articles on file in case you look for the web references after they are cleared.
Rx2000 Solutions Institute makes Healthcare Products Year 2000 Database available to the President's Council on Year 2000 Conversion for Worldwide Distribution, December 26th. Joel Ackerman, Executive Director, announced today that the Institute has donated a copy of its Database to the President's Council. The database, consisting of thousands of lines of Year 2000 compliance data for products used by healthcare, was compiled from thousands of actual Year 2000 test results that it received from healthcare organizations around the US. After careful consideration, the Institute's Founders decided the information contained in the database was so important, that it needed to be available to the healthcare community worldwide.
Individuals and healthcare organizations can find no cost access to the Rx2000 Healthcare Products Year 2000 database at Rx2000's Public Product Database Page. While any organization may freely use the information it contains, the Rx2000 Solutions Institute is not responsible for its content or use.
The Rx2000 Solutions Institute is a non-profit healthcare information clearinghouse providing mission-critical Year 2000 services for healthcare. It is dedicated to assisting healthcare communities maintain high quality patient care, ensure their continued smooth administrative operations and meet due diligence requirements as the industry confronts the Year 2000 date change. To this end the Institute conducts healthcare-specific Y2K conferences and offers free healthcare-related Y2K information on its web site.
For more information, go to the Rx2000 website or call the Rx2000 Solutions Institute at 612-835-4478. Click on title for the full text of this announcement.
The Y2K Progress Report Card for Federal Departments and Agencies: B-, US Representative Stephan Horn's Subcommittee on Government Management, Information and Technology, November 22nd. Overall, the government's internal systems have made no change in rating still B+, however, its "High-Impact Programs" have slipped from a C to a C-. In many cases, the federal agency responsible for a particular program may be compliant, but its business partners state and local governments, and the private sector who assist in delivering the service are not ready. 18 [of the 43] High Impact Programs remain at risk of failure.
Health and Human Services' High-Impact Programs rated an F. Incomplete programs include (followed by their white-knuckle completion dates, which are probably not complete):
Backup systems to the healthcare programs are in trouble too:
Horn summarized: "The Year 2000 problem is not limited to January 1, 2000, but may randomly occur over the next few months."
Remember, these are all based on self-reported data unaudited by the GAO or any external agency and we all know that computer projects usually take longer to complete than estimated. Check out the July 29th GAO report indicating that the 100% completion touted in May is not true. Also, end-to-end testing is very important to ferret out data exchange problems and other "bugs" impossible until subsystems are complete which often includes non-federally controlled governments and organizations.
On The Edge with Burton Goldberg: Step One in Preventing Illness, Alternative Medicine, November 1999. It usually takes years, often decades, of development before degenerative diseases manifest themselves. Using alternative medical diagnostic techniques, you can identify trouble brewing far in advance, and take steps to avoid disease altogether. Alternative medicine gives you the opportunity of seeing a disease coming long before it ever develops. It allows you to find indicators of disease at its earliest possible phase and then to take measures to halt its progress. This the first step in preventing illness.
Now, we all know it's difficult to get people to spend their money, time, and effort in prevention. But let me tell you, it's worth it. I'm 73 years old. I have no health problems, no aches or pains, and I feel great, but I'm doing Chelation Therapy. Why? With heart disease, most attacks come without warning because of conditions that have been quietly building up for years or decades without manifesting any symptoms. I tested the condition of my cardiovascular system and found that I had some arterial occlusions (blocked blood vessels). Further, we now know that "vulnerable plaque" within the artery walls is responsible for 85% of heart attacks, and that viruses and bacteria play a major role in heart disease. There were a number of factors, therefore, that I wanted to change in the quality of my blood. Chelation can do thisremoving toxins, providing anti-inflammatories, adding nutrients, and boosting the immune system.
Prevention like this means catching the disease before it develops. But using EDS you can also avoid an adverse reaction to a drug by testing it before you take it. Consider the DPT (Diptheria-Petrussis-Tetanus) vaccine, routinely given to young children. Vaccines pose a real danger to our kids; many cause serious side effects and sometimes permanent damage or death. It doesn't have to be this way.
Click over for the full text, with some interesting graphics.
Burton Goldberg has his own Message Board on Alternative Medicine's website, and readers may send him comments or questions there: www.alternativemedicine.com.
Guava Fruit May Benefit Type 2 Diabetics, Reuters Health via InteliHealth Professional Connect, Dec 24th. Hong Kong A traditional Chinese medicine comprised of guava fruit and leaves ground into a powder appears to lower blood glucose levels in patients with type 2 diabetes, without any side effects, according to Dr. Albert Wing-nang Leung of the Baptist University here. A mainland Chinese study of 55 type 2 diabetics demonstrated that 80% of patients improved during 2 months of therapy with 2 to 3 grams of guava extract taken three times a day, according to a report by the Diabetes Research Group from Guangxi Hospital.
"Although the guava preparation is already commercially available, we're not sure how well the initial study was controlled and we want to do the study again in Hong Kong," Dr. Leung said in an interview.
Dr. Leung and his colleagues will attempt to isolate the active ingredient from guava extract, which has a long history in traditional Chinese medicine, and identify its mechanism of action prior to commencing human clinical trials. Dr. Leung was speaking at a Chinese medicine seminar in Hong Kong, which was designed to identify areas in which Western and Chinese schools of medicine can collaborate in the future.
Healthcare on UN's Y2K critical list, Kevin Anderson, BBC News Online via Michael Hyatt's Y2k Prep E-Mail Newsletter, December 14th. Washington Healthcare systems and government services are at the greatest risk of being hit by the Y2K computer bug, according to a United Nations-created organisation working with Y2K co-ordinators around the world.
There "remains a medium to high risk that localised Y2K-caused errors could adversely affect public health and safety in the early days of January," according to a report on global preparedness by the International Y2K Co-operation Centre.
The health and hospital sector has been slow to address Y2K, according to the report by the International Y2K Co-operation Centre, and "this risk is most pronounced in developing countries and in smaller organisations worldwide".
... The UN is also set to help countries that require long term or expensive technical assistance to obtain funding and provide humanitarian assistance as needed.
Click title for more of the text.
Announcements (Email press releases to us at Info@CompWellness.biz)UN ReliefWeb Coverage During the Y2K Rollover Period, Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), December 23, 1999. New York/Geneva The United Nations' most comprehensive humanitarian Website www.reliefweb.int/y2k/ maintained by the OCHA, will play a special role during the rollover period from 31 December 1999 to 4 January 2000. It will expand from its normal coverage of humanitarian issues and events, to also serve as the United Nations central Web site for public information and analyses related to significant Y2K impacts around the world, with special attention to their humanitarian implications.
ReliefWeb currently provides daily updates on over 40 humanitarian emergencies and posts documents from more than 300 cited sources. It covers breaking news and provides historical background, maps and more than 5,000 background links by country. In order to maintain its strict policy of impartiality and neutrality, all information is posted without editing its content. During the Y2K rollover period, ReliefWeb staff within the OCHA will be monitoring events and adding updates to the Web site 24 hours a day. Readers may access information specific to the Y2K rollover by logging on to www.reliefweb.int and clicking onto the Y2K page. This material will also be cross-referenced in the country and complex-emergency sections of the site.
Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) to Track Community Impact of Y2K, Coalition 2000, December 24th. Anticipating that getting good information on Y2K impacts will be difficult, a grassroots effort has formed to quickly collect and provide accurate information on Y2K impacts at the community level. The Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) announced today that they are providing a unique Y2K information resource as a trustworthy adjunct and grassroots alternative to government and industry information sharing efforts. GICC is providing a forum where volunteers will "follow the sun" on New Year's Eve and long afterwards to provide late-breaking news of Y2K-related events. This is expected to provide the public a truly unique information source as well as a public history of how the Y2K event unfolds at the community level.
In a truly democratic process, the project provides a participatory, open space where anyone can post and view Y2K incident reports. These reports will subsequently be independently verified and analyzed for trends by GICC analysts. Analyst reports will then be included at the forum. Topics are arranged by subject category, and sorted by date.
The web-based forum, located at www.greenspun.com/bboard/ is going live on December 28th. GICC has its origins in the efforts of the State of Utah and Coalition 2000. Coalition participant Jennifer Bunker is a member of the Utah's Governor's Coalition for Y2K Preparedness, and initially suggested using Utah's Joint Information Center's to collect the community's perspective of Y2K events as they occurred. This suggestion quickly grew to a grassroots initiative to monitor the crossover period not only locally but nationally and internationally as a way to both understand events as they unfold and as a means to help in recovery efforts. Founders of the GICC felt that such a site could counter misinformation, as well as provide a viable alternative to other information sources.
No one owns GICC. Rather, it's autonomous, widespread, self-organizing, and "chaordic," cutting across traditional lines of generational and political affiliation, and is on the cutting edge of the kind of grass roots civic initiatives changing the face of contemporary society.
Only a little more than a week old, its history is as follows. Seeing the need for keeping the public informed and vigilant, Jennifer Bunker of the Utah Governor's Y2K Coalition, teamed up with Coalition 2000 founder Steve Davis and 20 other individuals to build the system and combine resources of many Y2K community action groups nationwide. National eyes will be directed at the Utah Center, where Senator Robert Bennett (R, Utah) will be watching the world as the millennium ticks over.
Timebomb 2000 System Operator (SYSOP) Diane Squire brought the essential SYSOP expertise to the group. Based on her experience with the Timebomb forum she was quickly able to establish the necessary web-based sites using Philip Greenspun's LUSENET software.
At the same time, the nascent GICC reached out to the Center for Y2K and Society, who've targeted their efforts in support of the vulnerable members of our society, and have begun their own Y2K newsqiggl. The Center picked up the project's torch and they are now carrying it to America's nonprofit sector.
Through the publicity efforts of Coalition 2000 and others, plus consultation by co-founder Gary Gach, of the Foundation for American Communications, GICC is reaching out to the media who are already interested in the Utah project due to the involvement of Senator Bennett, the Chairman of the Senate Y2K Committee
On the Web:
One Moment of Prayer for the New Millennium, James Redfield. Wherever you are ... join us in a worldwide prayer wave just before midnight your time on December 31st. Wherever you happen to be as the new millennium arrives, we invite you to join in a world-wide effort to begin this historic period of history linked in prayer with millions of others around the world. We know you believe that prayer works, that it can make a difference in how the new millennium begins and unfolds, and that it can help to energize those who have the solutions to many world problems. Says Redfield, "Great news. Thanks to you, the moment of prayer for the new millennium vigil has grown faster than anyone expected. As of December 15, 45,000 people had registered on our web site www.celestinevision.com telling us that on the average they had contacted 20 people committed to participate in the prayer vigil. That's a first group of 900, 000 people!"
Click over for more information
Drumming in the Year 2000: A Global Event, All One Tribe Foundation. Folks who haven't yet made plans for New Year's Eve 1999 may be interested to learn of a global party to which they're all invited. To affirm their visualization for the coming Millennium, people in cities and towns around the world will drum together in unison for the final hours of 1999. As they drum, an affirmation of their collective vision for Unity will be read in every major language of the world. The event honors the "International Decade of the World's Indigenous Peoples," declared by the United Nations as 1994-2004.
This event was originally conceived by the All One Tribe Foundation of Taos NM. Participants will drum in shifts to coincide with the midnight hour as it arrives in time zones around the world.
The exact times for the one hour of synchronous drumming when the clock has struck Midnight in the final time zone and the year 2000 has dawned everywhere on the planet. That hour will begin as follows:
Click over for more information
We hope that you and your loved ones have a beautiful and safe New Year. Kent and Jo
Please forward these 21st Century Wellness eLetters to Friends and Associates
ONE-CLICK REGISTER for your FREE, monthly 21st Century Wellness eLetter summarizing New eJournal articles and eGuide Chapters
Monday, December 13, 1999
In the Year 2000, we will be challenged in many ways: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. As we have seen in previous issues, these challenges can effect our health. Our goal then, is to establish the maximum health state possible for ourselves and our loved ones, which is a state of wellness. In addition, we want you to be prepared for the many health conditions that occur in your family.
See our full article summarizing previous wellness and healthcare articles, as well as introducing important new first aid kit and preparedness suggestions in the Wellness eJournal. This article was updated to clarify our Paradigm, add two more books, and remind us about using non-toxic antifreeze
Books (Send books to review to the address on our website)
Evaluation of Herbal Guides: Wellness Way's "Quickie" Herbal Remedies guide and Legion of Light's "Herbal Awareness Guide"
by Rachel Lord, RN, CMT, MH, Owner, Just for Health, Denver Colorado
Guides cannot be the only source for health information, only a starting point or a reminder. As guides go, the Wellness Way "Quickie" guide is more detailed and useful than the Awareness guide.
The Quickie guide is two sided and legal sized, and lists, in four columns:
I liked the explanation under Mechanism of Use, as well as the Precautions.. These are important to both understanding and proper care.
The Awareness guide is two sided and letter sized, and lists:
Some people may prefer the condition-to-herb listing better than the herb-to-condition listing. However, in this case, important information is missing, especially the Precautions.
Perhaps it would work to use the Awareness guide to find possible herbal remedies, then use the Quickie guide to find additional information. Being a professional herbalist, I prefer to learn more about the herbs to start with, before taking on the responsibility of my own self care.
I suggest that people only start with an herb guide, then go to a next level of literature a very detailed book or the guides in the CompWellness Wellness eJournal. Then ask trusted retailer for help in selecting the best product containing the herb, or the raw herb itself.
Remember, don't just treat symptoms look for base problem. My concern about the Awareness guide is that it only tells how to treat symptoms. Symptoms are often warnings of serious health problems and just covering them up can mask what is really going on and lead to trouble.
As always with self treatment, if there are no results in a reasonable period of time a couple of days for acute, recent conditions, to a few weeks for chronic conditions, then seek help from your primary healthcare professional and others to whom you are referred.
Rachel Lord, RN, MH, CMT, CR is a Registered Nurse and has worked in critical care for 15 years. Her interest in holistic health has blossomed over the years, particularly as she watched many people in the ICU return again and again for the same or related symptoms, just worse. Along the way she became a Certified Massage Therapist (CMT) and a national Reflexology Certification (CR), and teaches both.. She studied clinical nutrition and medical herbalism, and is a Master Herbalist (MH) with an in-house herbal pharmacy. She owns and operates Just for Health, a holistic health clinic with emphasis on Herbal Consultations, Massage Therapy and Reflexology.
Reader Comments (Email your comments to us at Info@CompWellness.biz
Potassium and Arthritis
You may find useful a discussion of potassium physiology and nutrition especially as they pertains to rheumatoid arthritis beginning at http://members.tripod.com/~charles_W/arthritis.html For a discussion of copper physiology and nutrition especially as they pertain to hemorrhoids, aneurysms, and herniated discs see; http://members.tripod.com/~charles_W/copper.html. Sincerely, Charles Weber
We are not experts on this detailed subject area. If you have comments on Mr Weber's web references, please email them to us. Thank you.
Kind Words
I know practically everyone is terribly busy this time of year, especially this year. We should NEVER be too busy to say thank you.
Thank you for sending the newsletter. WOW! I have never seen a newsletter with so much info. Please stay in touch, and I will do the same. Thanks again for the mailings. Richard D
Colloidal Silver (Continued)
Dr Andrew Weil's Colloidal Silver comments in the November 15th issue Q & A Section created several comments and well as some research on our part. Another comment follows:
I appreciate your newsletter, but in the case of Andy Weil you are merely promoting a promoter. His comments that exercise and St. John's Wort are the only alternative remedies for depression are ludicrous. There are many others, most notably SAMe which has had dozens of double-blind studies done (some at our own Veterans Hospitals) going back to the sixties, all with the same positive results. Furthermore, St. John's Wort only works on certain types of depression making it viable in only about 20% of cases.
His comments about Colloidal Silver are equally hilarious since my own personal experience and hundreds of testimonials are in complete opposition to his statement.
He is also a big promoter of Canadian rapeseed oil (Can-ola) which is a highly processed, toxic product that is so fragile when heated it turns into a trans fat. And all these restaurants tell us they are doing our health a favor what a joke.
I don't care if he is on the cover of Time magazine and is hyping "alternative" health. To me it seems just like a new version of the old special interest "sell." If you don't know what I mean, who do you think is behind the Food Pyramid? I'll bet my money that Weil is on the payroll of the herb growers/processors/encapsulators and the Canadian Dept of Agriculture.
Paul Norris, NextAge Nutrition, Austin TX
What do you think about colloidal silver? Email your comments to us at Info@CompWellness.biz)
News (Email news leads to us at Info@CompWellness.biz)
News report summaries on Healthcare and Y2K follow. We have most of the articles on file in case you look for the web references after they are cleared.
Natural Solutions to Drug-Resistant Infections, by CJ Puotinen, Well Being Journal, Vol 9, No 1, January/February 2000. When penicillin and other wonder drugs revolutionized Western medicine in the 1940s and '50s, it seemed as though every infectious illness could be cured with a few pills or injections. But half a century after it began, the golden age of antibiotics is ending with the alarming news that the drugs that were supposed to save the world have instead spawned an epidemic that may destroy it. Click for details.
Perhaps the Greatest Immune-Enhancing Supplement Known to Man, by Richard McGraw, PhD, Healthlinks Newsletter. We have entered the age of immune dysfunctions. Almost all illness is the result of a weakened immune system. We have entered the age of the super-resistant germ. Antibiotics can no longer stop the onslaught of new and mutating bacteria as you have seen reported in the news media.
We must look to our own immune system's defenses to protect us. A properly modulated, functional immune system can defeat anything that tries to come against the human body. What can turn our "Woody Allen" immune system into an "Arnold Swartzaneggar" fighting machine? Introducing Beta-1, 3-D Glucan, a dietary supplement that is derived from the cell wall of yeast.
Dr. Richard McGraw received his Ph.D. in Orthomolecular Science with a minor in Gerontology. He has owned multiple health food stores in North and South Carolina. Dr. McCraw now resides in Spartanburg, S.Carolina and focuses on his general practice of thirteen years and his health food store.
Many Ignore Mental Health, Associated Press via IntelliHealth, December 13, 1999. "In an exhaustive review of research on mental disorders, Surgeon General David Satcher concludes negative stigmas and difficulty paying for care are keeping millions of Americans from treatments that have been proven effective. ... Satcher hopes this report, the first on mental health, will have a similar impact [to previous smoking reports]. "I hope it will help to change attitudes," Satcher said, "I hope this report really stimulates many people to care for themselves and for members of their community." Click for details.
As we have presented, the third component of wellness is attitude. When fitness, nutrition, and other forms of physical and spiritual healthcare therapies are not working as well as we'd like, it is very important to look at the mental aspect of our health. But, our friends and healthcare professionals are often reluctant to encourage us in this direction, thinking that they are suggestion that we are crazy and need months of therapy on a coach. However, recent developments in psychotherapy, such as EMDR, NLP, Thought-Field Therapy and others in our Complementary Healing eGuide, can work very quickly or rapidly get to the core of mental healthcare conditions.
Center for Y2K and Society is an excellent site to view the latest news, as well as specific news and analysis for:
We hope that you and your loved ones are having a beautiful holiday season. Kent and Jo
Please forward these eLetters to Friends and Associates
ONE-CLICK REGISTER for your FREE, monthly 21st Century Wellness eLetter summarizing New eJournal articles and eGuide Chapters
Monday, November 29, 1999
In the Year 2000, we will be challenged in many ways: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. As we have seen in previous issues and will see in this issue, these challenges can effect our health. Our goal then, is to establish the maximum health state possible for ourselves and our loved ones, which is a state of wellness.
Wellness is a state of high-level health that requires a strong effort to reach and a continual effort to maintain. The result, however, is the best possibility of good health now and throughout life. Wellness has four parts:
CompWellness Network is applying this four-part program using the full spectrum of healthcare modalities Acupressure through Yoga, including conventional Western Medicine. The goal is for you and your healthcare practitioners to work together on your wellness plan, using the least-aggressive therapies available to treat injuries and illness, and to assist you with recovery and prevention.
Professional Healthcare, adapted from the Complementary Healing eGuide
You are in charge of your own health, and Complementary Healthcare practitioners are available to help you. The body is a self-healing, self-maintaining mechanism as long as there are no interferences in its ability to function normally. We've all been admonished to eat right, exercise regularly and maintain a good mental and spiritual attitude very important to any health program. However, we often do not know what the right foods are, what is optimum exercise for us, or how to gain a better attitude. Complementary Healthcare modalities help in all these areas.
Complementary means acting as a complement to, or completing, one another. Complementary Healthcare is an inclusive term that recognizes the interaction of many modalities in assisting an individual to wellness. It implies a holistic approach that encourages a cooperative spirit among healthcare practitioners and is preferred to the term alternative, which creates a separation among healthcare modalities.
Western allopathic medicine conventional medicine is associated with therapies that frequently require prescriptions for drugs and sometimes surgery. Conventional medicine holds a valuable place in the total spectrum of healthcare, especially for emergency situations and catastrophic illnesses.
Most of the modalities in Complementary Healthcare use a holistic approach to healthcare which integrate with conventional medicine, and do not replace it. Holistic means treating the whole person body, mind, emotion, energy and spirit. Treating only the physical body allows many of the unhealthy patterns to continue. Therefore, many more conventional practitioners are learning and practicing holistic methods.
The goal is for all healthcare practitioners to work together, assisting you with recovery and prevention and using the least-aggressive therapies available to treat injuries, illness and other conditions. This will lead to a complete Wellness plan.
Complementary Healthcare Movement
There is a strong Complementary Healthcare movement in the United States. The media, companies, unions, associations and insurance companies are beginning to understand that Complementary Healthcare is as equally effective as exclusively conventional medicine for the majority of our health conditions, with the bonus that Complementary Healthcare is usually less expensive. Doors are opening, information is becoming more public, and activity is increasing to accelerate this Movement.
For instance, in March of 1997, the Colorado Legislature passed the milestone Alternative Medicine bill. It allows Medical Doctors, under certain conditions, to practice non-conventional healthcare modalities without having to worry about disciplinary actions by the Colorado Medical Board, solely on the grounds that an MD practices "alternative" modalities. Historically, Medical Boards in all states have taken aggressive action against MDs practicing outside conventional standards of practice. Ask your Medical Board or legislature what the progress is in your state.
With that legal worry lessened for Colorado MDs, they can not only practice the full spectrum of Complementary Healthcare, but feel more comfortable discussing and recommending other modalities to their patients. It will take some time to see a major change in the attitudes and practices of MDs, but now the door is open. This creates several opportunities on which we can all capitalize:
This will not come easily, but it will come naturally as both the public, the media and our health infrastructures discover first hand that Complementary Healthcare works, and works well(ness).
Please join the CompWellness Network in this movement. Show others the Complementary Healing eGuide and encourage them to learn more about and the use of Complementary Healthcare modalities for themselves, their families and their organizations.
There are many Complementary Healthcare modalities and practitioners to help you in your quest for wellness. Many modalities are discussed in Complementary Healing eGuide chapters, in which highly-recommended practitioners are featured.
These practitioners adhere to the same strict standards that you should apply to any other healthcare practitioner:
CompWellness Network practitioners have contributed time, money and energy to carry the Complementary Healthcare concept to other practitioners and professionals, influencing our health information and delivery systems.
In addition, the National Wellness Yellow Pages is available on the Life Enrichment website, containing 1000's of wellness practitioners from around the country, including many of those in the CompWellness Network.
With these resources, you will find the modalities and the practitioners that work best for you. Use these practitioners regularly.
Also see the many articles on Complementary Healthcare modalities in the Complementary Healing eGuide.
by Kenton H Johnson, Publisher, and Director of 2012 CompWellness Legacy SiteSee the complete article in the Wellness eJournal for more details as well as many pictures and graphics.
Santa Fe, the capital of New Mexico, is located in the North Central part of the state and supports about 60,000 people in the city and about 120,000 in the metro area. One of the oldest cities in the US, it boasts the oldest continuously-used government building, as well as a church and a home in the US, though St. Augustine FL makes similar claims about the latter two. On the other hand, it is probably one of the most saturated area for art and art galleries in the US, sometimes called "Gallery Heaven" see a sampling in Exploring, below.
There are many Complementary Healthcare individual practitioners and some headquarters for major Complementary Healthcare schools. Given the population size, we were not surprised that only a couple of Complementary Healthcare centers can be found in the Santa Fe. However, it has a very strong showing for healthfood stores: three Wild Oats and two independents. Albuquerque, at almost ten times the size and about 60 miles Southwest of Santa Fe, has many more Complementary Healthcare centers. We also visited Taos, a town about one-tenth of Santa Fe, to visit Indian drumming foundation showing the health benefits of drumming and discovered an interesting "telecommunity."
International Institute of Chinese Medicine (IICM) and Clinic
IICM was founded in 1984 by Dr. Michael Zeng who came to America from the People's Republic of China, bringing with him an extensive knowledge of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Over the past decade, he and his wife, Dr. Nancy Zeng, using their 35 years of experience in TCM and Western Medicine, have established a program in Oriental Medicine largely based on the type of training TCM doctors receive in mainland China. The curriculum addresses all modalities which exist in TCM. IICM is a private, non-profit institute that has graduated over 400 students in 15 years of operation, most of whom have gone on to successful careers in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (OM).
See the complete article in the Wellness eJournal, on IICM's Oriental Medical Philosophy and Clinic, Acupuncture Anesthesia.
Santa Fe Campus: PO Box 29988, Santa Fe, NM 87592-9988, (505) 473-5233, (800)377-4561, 102152.3463@compuserve.com. Albuquerque Campus: 4600 Montgomery Blvd. NE 1-1, Albuquerque, NM 87109, (505) 883-5569, (888) 937-4426, panda@thuntek.net. IICM's website is www.thuntek.net/iicm/
The Physicalmind Institute
® and The Method®We caught Joan Breibart, the founder of this Santa Fe-based international institute for Joseph Pilates' physical therapy and fitness work, by phone the evening before we visited her facilities. She described their phenomenal growth over the last eight years as doubling each year, adding a few thousand teachers to the only 200 that existed in 1991. This was coincident with the rapidly-growing understanding that fitness is a very important part of wellness. She has built a fine network of schools as well as an international referral service for Pilates teachers and studios.
After eight years of intense effort to educate and inform the public about the benefits of bodymind fitness, the Physicalmind Institute feels we are now entering the exciting, effective and far-reaching arena of fitness television. FitTV is a new 24-hour fitness channel created by Fox Network, reaching 10 million homes.
See the complete article in the Wellness eJournal for more on the Pilates Method and referral service.
To inquire about a studio in your area, or to obtain information about videos, home-use equipment, teacher training, contact the Physicalmind Institute, 1807 Second Street, Suite 15/16, Santa Fe NM 87505, (505) 988-1990, (800)505-1990, themethod@trail.com, www.the-method.com
All One Tribe Foundation
One the way back to Colorado, we stopped in Taos to visit All One Tribe Foundation and the historic plaza. We talked to the very-energetic Executive Director, Julia Pyatt. She briefed us on the vision, mission, drums, and the therapeutic value of drumming, as well as the special soft, wide, Velcro-held leather handle for their drums, it can be used and be very beneficial for developmentally-challenged people. They are also planning a Year 2000 drumming event.
To affirm their visualization for the coming Millennium, people in cities and towns around the world will drum together in unison for the final hours of 1999. As they drum, an affirmation of their collective vision for Unity will be read in every major language of the world.
See the complete article in the Wellness eJournal for more on the foundation's mission, drumming as a therapy, and the Year 2000 drumming event.
All One Tribe Foundation, PO Drawer N, Taos, NM 87571, (800)442-DRUM, beat@allonetribe.org, www.allonetribedrum.com/aotfoundation/.
La Plaza Telecommunity
Next door to All One Tribe Foundation is the Community Wellness Council, offering several programs for women and children in the area. Since they were having a staff meeting, we gave them a couple of our Complementary Healing Guides and received a couple of brochures. Noting their email as comwell@LaPlaza.org, we jumped to the conclusion that their website was www.LaPlaza.org. However, the website belongs to a local organization, the La Plaza Telecommunity. It is a very community-oriented website and Internet service, with the mission to improve communication and information sharing in Northern New Mexico by providing our rural tricultural communities with: Internet access, computer/Internet education, as well as regional information and resources.
See the complete article in the Wellness eJournal for more details.
Exploring Santa Fe, by Josephine Hehnke
"Dos Equis, please" feeling rather decadent ordering a beer at 11:30 am but what the heck, we're on vacation, I thought, on the scenic train from Santa Fe to Lamy, New Mexico. We had arrived in Santa Fe Sunday evening ahead of a snowstorm raging in Colorado.
After checking in at the Sunterra Villas de Santa Fe and discovering to our delight that we had a one bedroom suite, a quick dash to Albertson's was called for to stock up on eggs and potatoes for breakfast the next day.
At our request on Monday morning, the hotel shuttle took us to the Loretto Hotel in time to catch the 9:30 walking tour of the historic downtown area. This superlative tour of the capitol building and many historic buildings and sights by A Foot, ended back at the Loretto when it began snowing heavily. A call to the Villas quickly summoned the hotel shuttle to our rescue.
We met a friend at the hotel who took us to Cordelia's, a nice out-of-the-way restaurant for a leisurely lunch of northern New Mexico cuisine, and were asked the New Mexico state question, "red or green?" We requested to have the chile served on the side so we had control of the spiciness of the dish. Before we finished lunch, the sun had come out and was already melting the snow.
Next was a quick tour of a few of the galleries on Santa Fe's famous Canyon Road(they close at 5 pm): the Canfield Gallery, the Galerie Zuger, and two others displaying the works of Jean-Claude Gaugy and William Vincent. In the historic plaza area, we found Pasqual's the food was good, and it was fun sitting at the community table and meeting fellow tourists from Taos and California .
Tuesday, after a late breakfast, the hotel shuttle deposited me at the Santa Fe Southern railroad station where we rendezvoused to catch the 11 am departure to Lamy. The train travels South through some very scenic country arriving at Lamy, a town of 100, at 12:30. A local caterer was set up in the train station with frito pies, sandwiches, burritos and chocolate chip cookies. After a quick lunch, we set off to photograph Lamy's two sites listed on the National Historic Registry: a church, which is being renovated by the townspeople on weekends, and a vacant building which at one time served as a brothel and since then off and on as a restaurant.
After returning to town at 3:30 and scouting the city's historic central plaza, we decided on the Anasazi Restaurant for supper. We shared the scallops wrapped in bacon and the mixed grill of grouper and petite filet. The food was excellent but we wanted to do some more exploring of the town and requested a recommendation for dessert, and were directed to the Santacafe just a few blocks further down the street. The service was impeccable, the dessert superb and the ambiance outstanding.
Wednesday, regretfully we had to leave but not before doing some Christmas shopping at the plaza's Palace of the Governors where local Indians having gone through a careful screening process sell their wares. We found beautiful gifts for almost all those on our list, then bid a fond farewell to Santa Fe, advising, "We'll be baaaack!"
Note: Other New Mexican sights and info can be found at Santa Fe's Visitors' site, GuestLife New Mexico (santafe@guestlife.com) and About.com's Southwest info base.
Josephine Hehnke was born and raised in Nebraska. She studied humanities and business in Lincoln Nebraska and Kansas City Missouri, as well as lived in Ft. Lauderdale Florida, then Denver Colorado, where she has become an expert on travel throughout the Rocky Mountain Region. Following her passion to travel and help others travel, she studied at the Colorado School of Travel, interning and working at Colorado World Travel then the international agency, Carlson Wagonlit Travel. She is a Certified Travel Agent, and has traveled to Cyprus, London, Paris, Brussels, and in many states in the US, most recently to Miami (for to tour cruise ships), St. Augustine Florida, all the California Missions, and both Portlands (Maine and Oregon). She plans many more research tours around the country and the world in 2000. Keep your eyes open for her stories.
Reader Comments Colloidal Silver (Email your comments to us at Info@CompWellness.biz)
The following Q & A from the last issue created several comments and well as some research on our part. First the Q & A, then support for Dr. Weil's statements followed by reader comments.
Colloidal Silver Better than Antibiotics?, by Dr. Andrew Weil, Ask Dr Weil, November 11th.
A woman who's son had an infected hip joint asked about using "natural colloidal silver" Dr. Weil responded "...As far as colloidal silver is concerned, I can't see how it would help. In fact, it could be harmful. ... The promoters of colloidal silver make some fantastic claims: They say their products extend life, protect you from cancer, and cure just about anything. They'll tell you that mineral deficiencies lead to a weakened immune system and cancer. All of this is nonsense. Colloidal silver supplements are also heavily advertised as powerful antimicrobials and immune system stimulants, capable of curing up to 650 different diseases. Again, none of these claims have been proven.
At one time, silver products were useful as germicidals, but they've been replaced gradually by more effective ones. And no matter what the promoters of colloidal silver tell you, the human body doesn't need silver. Safety is an issue, too. If taken orally, it can accumulate in the body's tissues and cause a disfiguring skin condition called argyria. Skin pigmentation, especially around the nose and mouth, turns bluish, permanently. ... Medical literature also contains reports of neurological problems that developed in long-term users of oral silver products. ... What you might do what's better than using colloidal silver is investigate electromagnetic stimulation for bone healing, a treatment that is backed by scientific evidence.
Research Inaccuracies Larry C Ford, MD
"You may find the following false statement in some Colloidal Silver literature:
"'Laboratory tests in 1988 by Larry C. Ford, MD, UCLA School of Medicine, and other researchers showed that destructive bacteria, virus, and fungal organisms are killed within minutes of contact with simple metallic silver.'"
In a phone conversation with him just prior to publication of this issue, Dr Ford stated unequivocally that he did not say anything of the kind. The statements about metallic silver attributed to him are false and misleading and were simply forged on his letterhead. He does not recommend that silver or other heavy metals be ingested into the body unless approved by the FDA and prescribed by an appropriate health professional.
Unfortunately, this false statement about Dr. Ford's research has been quoted and re-quoted across the Internet and in Colloidal Silver literature.
FDA Issues Final Rule On OTC Drug Products Containing Colloidal Silver, Food and Drug Administration Talk Paper, August 17, 1999.
"The FDA has issued a Final Rule declaring that all over-the-counter (OTC) drug products containing colloidal silver or silver salts are not recognized as safe and effective and are misbranded. ... In recent years, colloidal silver preparations of unknown formulation have been appearing in stores. These products are labeled to treat adults and children for diseases including HIV, AIDS, cancer, tuberculosis, malaria, lupus, syphilis, scarlet fever, shingles, herpes, pneumonia, typhoid, tetanus and many others. According to the Final Rule, a colloidal silver product for any drug use will first have to be approved by FDA under the new drug application procedures.
"The Final rule classifies colloidal silver products as misbranded because adequate directions cannot be written so that the general public can use these drugs safely for their intended purposes. They are also misbranded when their labeling falsely suggests that there is substantial scientific evidence to establish that the drugs are safe and effective for their intended uses."
The report also discusses argyria, ingredients, application, and the extensive the public response process.
Research into the literature shows two areas of caution for those wishing to use Colloidal Silver based on the compelling testimonials that follow. The cautions are:
The Best Thing K Waldrop
"I have found colloidal silver to be the best thing I've ever used for mouth ulcers or canker sores. These used to be long-lasting and very painful for me, but one application of CS usually makes them disappear overnight! I don't care what else it does. That's enough for me.
"I understand that you basically have to overdose on the stuff to get the blue skin pigmentation. But then too much carrot juice can also turn you orange! Moderation is the key to everything."
In Support D Castagno, DD
"... I have used colloidal silver personally for over five years now, as have many people I am in contact with on a daily basis. I will agree that there are many colloidal silver products on the market and just like anything else we should be cautious and be careful not to 'overdo'.
"Colloidal silver manufactured in the proper manner and ingested in a reasonable manner is very safe and very effective. Yes, there is a need for silver in our body. Silver in previous years was reported in the heart, spleen, kidney, blood, liver, uterus and ovaries in addition to being concentrated in the tonsils and thyroid. (Reference- Your Thyroid Can Be A Pain In The Neck by Nicholas Alexander) and initial references from the US Department of Agriculture prior to the 1940's. Silver is also effective against syphilis, a pharmaceutical made from silver was used in a very effective manner against the very debilitating disease.
"Properly processed silver is known as ionic-colloidal silver, is very effective and affordable to the patient.
"I could go on. I just thought you may want to know that some of the information you were distributing was not true. The above information is not based on my opinion and experience alone but days and years of research in many medical books. Thanks so much, I am sure your intentions are good, there is just so much disinformation in the holistic health field, I thought you may have an interest in the above."
D Castagno is an independent holistic health researcher and writer, working on an article regarding silver utilizing references from the late 1800's and the early 1900's.
Be Informed and Prepared! Leslie V
"I agree that electromagnetic stimulation is the better way to heal bones. This has been known for years yet the modern medical institutions don't practice it; they just hit you with more drugs that they haven't checked for their ability to work with other drugs.
"Yes if you take large doses of colloidal silver, you will get argyria. Anyone taking at those levels is very excessive. The recommended doses are between 5 and 10 PPM (parts per million) per day in one glass of water. For short terms such as sickness, etc you can go up to 100 PPM but go back to the low doses as soon as possible, usually within three days (there's that 72 hour thing again). You should go off the silver for a week each month to allow the system to clear itself. The dang stuff works if taken as directed.
"Taking it without reading and understanding doses is what gets people into trouble and makes the bad name for the stuff. It may not be as strong as the new antibiotics but, it won't kill off all the good stuff in your body while trying to kill the bad. Silver was used for thousands of years silver spoons and forks and plates and people knew the little amount of silver they were ingesting was helping them. Silver will kill the 'bad bugs' within six minutes. Anyone can run this test with the standard high school lab tests and find out that a small drop of around 5 PPM to a petrie dish will kill the bad guys and help the good guys. How this works, I don't know. I've read very technical explanations that have convinced me.
"I put a 5 PPM dose into my water bottle when I fill it up. After that is gone, I then switch to my regular water. This gives me a slightly less than 5 PPM dose a day. So far the nasal drainage has stopped, I'm feeling better and eating less and having more energy. Something must be working so I'll stay on this low dosage just as a maintenance.
"...I read an interesting article in Organic Gardening last night. The article was speaking to the fact that just two generations ago we were a lot more self sufficient and less reliant on outside sources for food and healthcare. All in all we were very healthy and major disasters hurt the population less."
Leslie V is a computer and communication professional for a major cellular company, as well as a very well-prepared citizen.
Essential Silver Floyd K
"My daughter was given no more than six weeks to live. After several days of reading various [on-line] sites, I decided to buy a battery powered generator. It worked well, but the three 9 volt batteries dropped in voltage very quickly and they aren't cheap[, so I made my own directions are available.]
"By this time my daughter's condition had deteriorated very noticeably. Large sores developed from simple things such as bumping a table or a flea bite. She began taking the colloidal silver and within two weeks the sores were gone.... Six months ago, during a checkup she was told she had cervical cancer. I had her douche with a bottle of CS for a few days. The next checkup it was gone. It has been 18 months now since her death was forecasted, and she is still going.
"My wife had colon cancer eight years ago. We did the full medical program: surgery, chemo and radiation. It was in remission. Then eight months ago it was back. She took 8 oz of CS a day for two weeks. When she went back for a progress diagnosis, it was gone.
"Many of my problems are gone also. The hip the doctors have wanted to replace for 15 years is no longer a problem. The Deprouse (sp) constrictor that was pulling my fingers in is gone. I can still play the organ. The migraine headaches are gone. Also a dozen or more minor things as well."
Floyd's background is too diverse to cover here, but basically in technical areas. He is very frank, saying that he is not and never have been in the medical field.
What do you think about colloidal silver? Email your comments to us at Info@CompWellness.biz)
News (Email news leads to us at Info@CompWellness.biz)News report summaries on Healthcare and Y2K follow. We have most of the articles on file in case you look for the web references after they are cleared.
AWARE Talk Radio Jan Nickerson JaNickrson@aol.com, www.y2kconnections.com/
AWARE Talk Radio has weekly and bi-weekly shows on more than 260 stations around the US for health-oriented people. In it is a seven-minute spot hosted by Hope Daniels. Jan Nickerson was interviewed for a "Y2K Awareness and Preparedness" spot to start December 11th in Chicago markets and December 15th elsewhere. She was only able to squeeze in part of her ambitious agenda:
For a list of AWARE affiliate stations, download AWARETalkRadioAffiliates.doc from our site.
Center for Y2K and Society is an excellent site to view the latest news, as well as specific news and analysis for:
EarthMed.com has just lauched world's largest online holistic health community. Their mission is to empower people to make intelligent, informed choices about their health and wellness with the end result of a higher level of vitality, joy and prosperity. The site includes:
Please forward these eLetters to Friends and Associates
ONE-CLICK REGISTER for your FREE, monthly 21st Century Wellness eLetter summarizing New eJournal articles and eGuide Chapters
Monday, November 15, 1999
In the Year 2000, we will be challenged in many ways: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. As we have seen in previous issues and will see in this issue, these challenges can effect our health. Our goal then, is to establish the maximum health state possible for ourselves and our loved ones, which is a state of wellness.
Wellness is a state of high-level health that requires a strong effort to reach and a continual effort to maintain. The result, however, is the best possibility of good health now and throughout life. Wellness has four parts:
CompWellness Network is applying this four-part program using the full spectrum of healthcare modalities Acupressure through Yoga, including conventional Western Medicine. The goal is for you and your healthcare practitioners to work together on your wellness plan, using the least-aggressive therapies available to treat injuries and illness, and to assist you with recovery and prevention.
How's Your Attitude?
by Tom Goode, ND
The answer to this question not only determines your success in your world, it determines the health of your body. Latest studies in mind-body science, have determined that the way we think our outlook is a strong indicator of how well our cells function in warding off disease. Optimists recover faster from surgery while living longer with serious diseases, including AIDS.
In his book, Learned Optimism (Pocket Books, 1998) author Martin Seligman, PhD teaches us to dispute the underlying beliefs that result in our negative thinking. Yes, even pessimists can improve their thinking and enjoy the same health benefits.
An immediate remedy is to consciously breath our way through our encounters with negative thoughts.
Click over to the eJournal for the rest of this article
Tomorrow's Attitude: Only When We're Ready
by Arlene M. Green, LCSW, ACSW
Our wellness depends on understanding that we are always in process concerning our physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. This road isn't direct and can be confusing. The attitude, fitness, nutrition and professional caring that this newsletter discusses invite direction. We will each discover it our way one new attitude at a time.
Click over to the eJournal for the rest of this article
Let Your Attitude Help You Be Well
by Ronda J. Del Boccio, MS, CMT, CRMT
If you want to have wellness a healthy, balanced life the best place to start is attitude. Let your attitude be the compass you carry with you and check frequently to make sure you are on the right path.
The journey to wellness has many challenges, surprises, twists and turns. A bad attitude will leave you wandering in circles, never truly being well. A healthy attitude will guide you as you strive to make good lifestyle choices, learn, grow, and successfully travel your path through life.
Click over to the eJournal for the rest of this article
Also see the Attitudinal Awareness Guide in the Books Section below.
Complementary Healthcare Self Sufficiency
We had no room for a specific article on First Aid or Self Sufficiency, since space was used for excellent material on these subjects in:
Attitudinal Awareness Guide, Emotional/Attitudinal Causes of Physical Problems, Neil Cohen (2-sided, laminated, legal size, $6.95). Developed by long-time naturalist, nutritionist and herbalist, through years of research and feedback from experts on the mind and emotions, Neil's Guide is a in-depth summary of the main organs and parts of the physical body, with their associated relationship to specific attitudes and emotions which can positively and negatively affect them.
For instance, on the Immune System, Neil says it "represents strength, vitality and enthusiasm on the physical, emotional and mental levels. ... A strong immune system indicates a healthy level of self-esteem and enthusiasm for life."
In the summary he says, "Healing ourselves requires that we remove the conditions that cause our dis-ease. In this process, we find that the causative factors of illness are not strictly physical problems. They can relate directly to the mental and emotional life we live as well. Our thoughts and feelings are powerful, dynamic forces that influence every aspect of our lives and are a major causative factor in either health or dis-ease."
Neil Cohen is currently developing a retreat in a remote part of the "Big Island," Hawaii HI, and has sold the publishing rights to Ascension Mastery International, PO Box 1018, Mount Shasta, California 96067 USA, (800) 543-9301/(530)926-6650, Fax (530)926-1828, e-mail Info@AMILight.com He is out of normal contact for a while, but can be reached through the CompWellness Network office. Other Awareness Guides are available for First Aid, Nutrition, Aromatherapy, Color and Herbs, which we will review in forthcoming issues.
(Email your questions to us at Info@CompWellness.biz)Healthcare in the year 2000 and beyond will be as much prevention and preparation as it will be responding intelligently to symptoms. Building strong body systems involves learning some new ways to deal with old problems. It will be helpful to reach tip-top shape before Year 2000 challenges start to take their toll on our body systems which may start as early as December. Here are some straight-forward answers to a complicated medical problem that effects a hoped-for complementary treatment of infection.
Colloidal Silver Better than Antibiotics?, by Dr. Andrew Weil, Ask Dr Weil, November 11th.
My son was recently hospitalized for an infected hip joint. The first antibiotic he was given didn't work. ... What about "natural colloidal silver?"
An infected hip joint is a serious condition, and antibiotics, given for a long period of time and if necessary, surgical drainage are the best treatment. I certainly wouldn't recommend going off the antibiotics in a case like this.
As far as colloidal silver is concerned, I can't see how it would help. In fact, it could be harmful.
The term colloidal means the minerals are of a certain size, facilitating use by the body. The promoters of colloidal silver make some fantastic claims: They say their products extend life, protect you from cancer, and cure just about anything. They'll tell you that mineral deficiencies lead to a weakened immune system and cancer. All of this is nonsense. Colloidal silver supplements are also heavily advertised as powerful antimicrobials and immune system stimulants, capable of curing up to 650 different diseases. Again, none of these claims have been proven.
At one time, silver products were useful as germicidals, but they've been replaced gradually by more effective ones. And no matter what the promoters of colloidal silver tell you, the human body doesn't need silver. Safety is an issue, too. If taken orally, it can accumulate in the body's tissues and cause a disfiguring skin condition called argyria. Skin pigmentation, especially around the nose and mouth, turns bluish, permanently. Those affected have been described as looking like corpses suddenly come to life. Medical literature also contains reports of neurological problems that developed in long-term users of oral silver products.
...What you might do what's better than using colloidal silver is investigate electromagnetic stimulation for bone healing, a treatment that is backed by scientific evidence.
What do you think about colloidal silver? Email your comments to us at Info@CompWellness.biz)
News (Email news leads to us at Info@CompWellness.biz)News report summaries on Healthcare and Y2K follow. We have most of the articles on file in case you look for the web references after they are cleared.
Youth Drug Reduction for Safety and Wellness Start Reducing Now
Toddlers Overmedicated, Well Being Journal, November/December. American parents are much too quick to give over-the-counter medication to their toddlers for such things as sniffles, achy throats or queasy stomachs, notes a federally funded study at the National Center for Health Statistics. A preponderance of evidence suggests that many medications provide few benefits and, in some cases, may even be harmful. "Everyone thinks that if you take a pill, you'll get better, and that's a terrible message for anybody," notes Debra Esemio-Jensen, M.D., head of the pediatrics clinic at North Shore University Hospital in Manhasset, NY. She is opposed especially to the use of cold medicines. "I think there are a few indications for [use of] Tylenol, but not for cold medications: zero, zippo, none." Pediatrician Anne Gadomski, M.D. also notes: "The high use of these medications may be a tremendous waste of money, and many of them unnecessarily expose children to toxicity." (From Journal of American Medical Association, quoted in Way of Life Newsletter, September 1999.)
Good Food vs Bad Medicine, Alternative Medicine, October 25th. In a report released today, the nonprofit Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) contended that a review of two dozen scientific studies shows that certain foods and food dyes can adversely affect children's behavior. CSPI, in a 32-page report titled "Diet, ADHD, and Behavior," charges that federal agencies, Holistic Healing Academys and the food industry ignore the growing evidence that diet affects behavior.
The report cites 17 controlled studies that found diet can adversely and dramatically effect children's behavior. Most of the studies focused on artificial colors, while some also examined the effects of milk, corn and other common foods. The percentage of children who were affected by diet and the magnitude of the effect varied widely among the studies. Six other studies did not detect any behavioral effect of diet.
"It makes a lot more sense to try modifying a child's diet before treating him or her with a stimulant drug," said Dr. Marvin Boris, a pediatrician in Woodbury, New York, whose 1994 study found that diet affected the behavior of two-thirds of his subjects.
Click on the title for more of this article, including organized action with the US Department of Health and Human Services, the National Toxicology Program, ADHD and Ritalin.
For more information on the dangers of drugs such as Ritalin, and nontoxic ways to cure ADHD, type in the keywords ADHD and Ritalin in our search engine. For the full 32-page CSPI report referred to in this article, go to at www.CSPInet.org.
Vaccines Don't be Bullied into Shots
"Physicians Concern About Vaccinations," Well Being Journal, November/December. In a recent study almost one-third of physicians fear there is a risk of serious adverse reaction to the pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine, and 13 percent thought the same about the measles vaccine. Many are concerned about litigation from parents. Many said they were unlikely to recommend a third dose of the DTP (diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis) vaccine. Findings were based on a survey of 1,236 doctors in the US." (Arch Ped & Adolesc Med, 1998; 152: 12-19.) For up-to-date information subscribe to the Vaccine News, 251 W Ridgeway Dr., Dayton, OH 45459, 937-435-4750.
"Vaccine Mandates," Well Being Journal, November/December. "Although we recognize that vaccines, in the past, have prevented many serious illnesses, it is simply a fact that every insurance policy has a premium. Every medical intervention carries both risks and potential benefits. The risk:benefit calculation is different for each individual patient, and can only be made by the patient (or the patient's guardian) in consultation with the attending physician."
"It is the right of every patient to refuse a medical intervention, even if recommended by the attending physician, and it is the duty of the physician to advise according to his or her own best judgment. Informed consent is a prerequisite for ethical medical treatment (or for research), as is internationally recognized in the Nuremberg Code...."
Click on the title for more of this article, including action by the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) with the US Department of Health and Human Services Secretary and the Hepatitis Branch of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and tying federal welfare funding to immunization compliance.
See www.house.gov/reform/hearings for testimony from the August 3rd hearing before the House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, and www.aapsonline.org for the AAPS written statement distributed at the hearing. (AAPS News, 9/99, 1601 N. Tucson Blvd., Ste. 9, Tucson, AZ 85716.)
Also, see the article in the same issue, "Guest Editorial: Mandating Vaccines Government Practicing Medicine Without a License?" by Jane M Orient, MD, as well as an article from the previous issue, "Health and Vaccines The Case of the Hepatitis B Vaccine," by Scott E. Miners, Publisher/Editor.
Fitness More on Walking
Exercise and the Diabetic, and a New Great Hint for Walkers, Alternative Medicine, October 18th. "High levels of fitness may reduce the risk for diabetes in men. Researchers evaluated the relation of fitness and physical activity to the onset of diabetes in 8,633 men. The least fit 20 percent of the participants had a 3.7-fold greater risk for diabetes, compared with the 40 percent considered more fit. So here it is again: a sedentary lifestyle may contribute to the progression of diabetes. (Annals of Internal Medicine 1999;130:89-96.) Okay, nothing new here. But now hear this:
Walking produces both low strain on the tibia and low strain rates, [which are lower than running, and] the Stepmaster exceeds every activity tested in its potential to affect bone mass. Nothing new here either. But here's a tip for walkers: To "turn bone on" it's a good idea to run for 60 seconds at the start of your walk, and then slow to your usual brisk walk. This gives a short blast to the bone usually enough to turn bone on.
Source: A paper presented to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons based on studies done at Hebrew University Medical School in Jerusalem, Israel.
Nutrition Stay in Balance
Low Cholesterol Can Be Too Low!, Alternative Medicine, October 18th. Cholesterol levels below 180 are a risk factor for hemorrhagic stroke (rupture of a blood vessel)! A controlled study reported from the University of Washington in Seattle showed that 230 was the average cholesterol level of 3,700 individuals checked.
There is a steady increase in risk for ischemic stroke (diminished blood supply because of obstruction) above 230. Below 180, however, the risk is for hemorrhagic stroke. About 10 percent of the population have cholesterol levels below 180. Although low cholesterol is necessary to maintain the integrity of the vessel wall, levels that are too low lead to "leaky vessels." The Japanese, who typically have low cholesterol levels, have a higher than average rate of hemorrhagic stroke.
Unpasteurized Apple Juice, Alternative Medicine, October 18th. You may already be familiar with the outbreak of E. coli in unpasteurized apple juice. It turns out that the E. coli was present on the apples used to make the juice, and even the standard procedures at the state-of-the-art plant that produced the unpasteurized juices were inadequate to eliminate contamination.
This demonstrates the problems we encounter in food processing. Not only are carbohydrates seriously and damagingly concentrated in fruit juices, but so are the contaminants! Think of how many apples are necessary to produce one glass of apple juice. And think of how much more concentrated the toxins can be.
Eat the apple, as nature intended, [rather than drink] the juice. This research concludes with a warning that applies to children, the elderly, and anyone whose immune system is compromised. Doesn't that mean just about all of us?
Year 2000 More News to Encourage Complementary Healthcare Methods
Medicare hears bleak diagnosis of Y2K readiness, by Steve Woodward, The Oregonian, November 12th. The Year 2000 computer problem has lodged itself in the weak spot of the nation's Medicare system, which provides medical insurance coverage for 38 million elderly and disabled Americans. That weak spot is the computerized connection between the nation's 800,000 doctors and Medicare's 75 contractors, which process claims on behalf of the federal government.
If the electronics claims system doesn't work, physicians wouldn't be paid by Medicare for weeks, if at all [making it tough to stay in business].
Even in cases where both Medicare and physicians have Y2K-ready computer systems, the electronic partners are experiencing failure rates of as much as 20 percent when they hook their systems together in tests. But the fact that worries Medicare watchers the most is that 98 percent of the nation's doctors, hospitals and other health providers haven't yet tested their systems with Medicare, according to an October 11th report in American Medical News, published by the American Medical Association.
Claims-filing failures wouldn't be lethal to patient care. But significant disruptions in the Medicare reimbursement system either from improperly submitted claims or from a surge in paper claims could create cash-flow nightmares for medical clinics and hospitals that rely on reliable Medicare payments to keep their operations going.
HCFA, the Health Care Financing Administration, is the federal agency that oversees the Medicare and Medicaid programs. The agency has warned doctors and hospitals that it will not make payments on improperly submitted claims.
To overcome the information gap, the Health Care Financing Administration has launched an all-out, 11th-hour effort to persuade doctors to test their systems.
Click on the title for the full article, including actions in Oregon and Washington, the US Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) and HMOs.
Announcements (Email press releases to us atInfo@CompWellness.biz)How to Beat Stress Before it Beats You at the Holidays and Beyond
by Jolie Martin Root, Certified Nutritionist and Broadcast Medical Journalist
Tuesday, December 7th, 7 9 PM, Vitamin Cottage Lecture Hall, 12612 West Alameda Parkway, Lakewood, CO USA, (303)986-4600x18. Learn clever nutritional and lifestyle secrets to help undo the havoc stress wreaks on your physical and emotional health: exactly how stress damages the body and mind, who's exempt, nutritional stress busters, and the top ten healthy habits of less-stressed people.
Visit Denver we have superior business and vacation facilities as well as wonderful practitioners. Make arrangements at least three weeks in advance for the best rates with Jo Hehnke your Colorado travel specialist at 1-888-Go-with-Jo (888-469-4845).
Please forward these eLetters to Friends and Associates
ONE-CLICK REGISTER for your FREE, monthly 21st Century Wellness eLetter summarizing New eJournal articles and eGuide Chapters
Monday, November 1, 1999
Wellness is a state of high-level health that requires a strong effort to reach and a continual effort to maintain. The result, however, is the best possibility of good health now and throughout life. Wellness has four parts:
CompWellness Network is applying this four-part program using the full spectrum of healthcare modalities Acupressure through Yoga, including conventional Western Medicine. The goal is for you and your healthcare practitioners to work together on your wellness plan, using the least-aggressive therapies available to treat injuries and illness, and to assist you with recovery and prevention.
Nutrition Tips by Jennifer Workman, MS, RD, from her website, The Balanced Approach.
Start thinking about your body the same way you think about your car. What would happen if you never changed the oil in your car or put in the wrong gas. You wouldn't be surprised if the car stopped running efficiently or you ended up calling a tow truck. Learn how to create a relationship with food that will maximize your energy, help you lose unwanted body fat and increase lean muscle.
The following tips should help whether you are a competitive athlete, a person battling a medical situation, or simple trying to increase energy, efficiency or manage weight. The goal is to help increase the efficiency of the system instead of clogging it up or depriving it of something critical. [See expanded tips in the article on her website.]
Source: Jennifer is a consultant to the complementary medical industry, the whole/organic foods industry, and the spa and fitness industry. She has worked in the health and fitness field for 15 years, specializing in sports nutrition and Ayurveda. She owns and operates The Balanced Approach which offers a program based on Ayurvedic principles, designed to help you understand your own body's response to foods, stress your environment, and how the six tastes can help you manage stress, enhance digestion and maximize efficiency. Visit her website, www.TheBalancedApproach.com.
Nutritional Suggestions, by Philip Incao, MD
Dr. Incao, a highly-respected family practitioner, gives several nutritional recommendations to his patients. Most are very applicable to preparing for the uncertainties of the future to achieve and maintain wellness. These recommendations are very compatible with Jennifer Workman's recommendations:
Source: Dr Philip Incao established a busy general practice of Anthroposophic Medicine in rural Harlemville, New York. He also served as the Medical Director of Camphill Village in Copake, New York, a unique community residence with adult, mentally-handicapped persons. Dr. Incao moved to Denver in 1996 to help the growth of Anthroposophic Medicine in the western United States, and soon opened a holistic medical center. He lectures around the country, but can be reached at or through his center at (303)321-2100.
by Tom Goode, ND, Managing Director, International Breath Institute
Whenever we encounter any need for first aid from being in an accident or disaster, to helping our children with a scrape or cut, the first thing to do is to focus on our breathing. Slowing and deepening our breathing activates the parasympathetic nervous system to restore our body's healing resources including clear thinking so we know what action to take. Continued full breathing increases our body's supplies of natural pain relievers and relaxes the muscles. Simple to say, easy to do as first aid.
The autonomic nervous system has two parts, the sympathetic, which controls arousal for the fight or flight mechanism, and the parasympathetic, which controls relaxation. With slow, full, deep breathing we send the message to slow down the heart rate, decrease blood pressure and restore normal functioning.
A 7-Breath Series is simple, effective and easy try it yourself. Breathe ... now. Push your stomach out as you take a slow deep breath and feel the energy enter your belly and chest. Pull it up into your shoulders and head. Sigh as you it go. Feel better? Do it once more. Breathe in and up, pull to the top and release. Go ahead, make the sound Aaahhhhh at least in your mind.
As you continue to read, continue to breathe. Breathe slowly and deeply, expanding the belly fully. Breathe in an easy, continuous cycle without holding the breath. Continue for seven breaths as you read. Pause until you finish the seven breaths. Notice how relaxed your body becomes.
Now breathe in slowly once more, this time imagining that you are pulling energy through the feet to a spot just above the head where a pool of energy gathers. As you release the breath, imagine the pool of energy above your head washing down your spine and flowing out your feet into the earth as you relax your shoulders and allow the abdomen to go soft. Pause and become aware of any sensations in along your spine and in your body. Repeat the process, imagining the breath collecting any tension as it moves through your body and out the top of your head to be purified by the sun. As you relax, the pool of bright energy washes back down your spine and through your body re-energizing and relaxing you. Enjoy the gentle relaxation and when you are ready, take another breath.
The larger benefit comes to us with continued practice yielding states of profound relaxation leading to physical health and emotional balance. After the stress of a first aid requiring incident, a continued practice of breathing encourages our body to self-repair.
By practicing the 7-Breath Series in normal stressful situations, you will not only gain the immediate benefits, but program your body to quickly relax and easily focus in an emergency situation, with just a couple of deep breaths. See the IBI website for several additional articles on Dr. Goode's form of Breathwork, TransformBreathing. In addition, our next issue on the Attitude component of wellness, will include TransformBreathing.
Source: Dr Tom Goode has a very interesting history. survived and excelled through natural healing. He rebuilt himself after childhood polio, a devastating teenage auto accident in which he sustained severe structural and brain damage, and as a young adult, was diagnosed with a degenerative condition with no known cure which required continued medication for 17 years. He shifted his life-style and utilized complementary medicine, so that he is now symptom, drug and disease free. He went on to become an ND, lead workshops throughout the US and abroad, appear on television and radio, compose the Cosmic Waltz musical transformational series, and co-author two books: Invitation to Divinity and Celebration of Transcendence. He and his wife, psychologist Caron Goode, founded Premier Parenting, and the International Breath Institute.
Questions & Answers (Email your questions to us at Info@CompWellness.biz)Healthcare in the year 2000 and beyond will be as much prevention and preparation as it will be responding intelligently to symptoms. It will be helpful to reach tip-top shape before Year 2000 challenges start to take their toll on our body systems which may start as early as December.
Exercise in Pregnancy by Julie Edelman, MPT, from the Boulder Daily Camera FIT Section Q & A column
Is it safe to exercise during pregnancy? If so, what kinds of exercises are OK, and at what level of intensity?
If you are having a normal, uncomplicated pregnancy, exercise is safe, if you follow certain guidelines.
First, you should get clearance from your healthcare practitioner before exercising during pregnancy. Once cleared, learn how to monitor your heart rate or buy a heart-rate monitor. Your heart rate should not go above 60 to 70 percent of your maximum attainable heart rate. To figure your range, subtract your age from 220. Multiply this number by 0.6 for 60 percent and 0.7 for 70 percent. Exercise for 20 minutes at this heart rate is universally accepted as safe.
In choosing your form of exercise, do what you enjoy as long as it isn't a contact sport. If you ran before your pregnancy, you can continue running during your pregnancy until it becomes uncomfortable, usually by month five or six. If just starting an exercise program, walking or swimming would be good choices.
Also keep in mind that as early as the first trimester, your tendons and ligaments become lax and may be intolerant of high-impact exercise. So listen to your body, and don't work through pain.
You may want to consider a prenatal exercise class or speaking to a skilled practitioner about appropriate exercises to prevent or treat the common musculo-skeletal pain syndromes associated with pregnancy.
Source: Julie Edelman, MPT, is a licensed physical therapist with Paradigm Therapies, Boulder, Colorado. She is a manual therapist who has implemented a comprehensive program for women during the childbearing years. She can be reached at (303)440-3301.
News (Email news leads to us at mailto:Info@CompWellness.biz?subject=News, eLetter All Issues Info@CompWellness.biz)News report summaries on Healthcare and Y2K follow. We have most of the articles on file in case you look for the web references after they are cleared.
Facing Disasters, Making Decisions, InteliHealth.com, October 6th. Co-sponsored by the National Center for Health Education, the Society for Public Health Education and Aetna US Healthcare, this set of pages focuses on natural disasters and their many forms, with specific pages on their dangers and lists of resources for educators and schools, as well as online links, for each type of disaster. Understanding natural disasters will help better prepare for man-made disasters and disruptions.
"Natural disasters, which affect all regions of the United States, have direct and indirect consequences on health. Each year a thousand or more people are injured or killed during disasters such as tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, floods and winter storms. Conditions after disasters can also affect health. Contaminated water and food, and a lack of sanitation can lead to disease. Fire hazards, debris and flooding can lead to injuries and death. Finally, natural disasters can also affect the mental and emotional health of those living through them."
Study: Bed Rest May Not Help, by Emma Ross, Associated Press, October 7th. Prolonged bed rest prescribed by medical doctors for any number of ailments may not always help and can even be harmful, a new study suggests. The research, by Australian scientists from the University of Queensland Medical School, examined all previous studies on the effectiveness of bed rest compared with getting up and moving around more quickly. It involved 5,777 patients with 15 different medical problems.
"Ideas about bed rest seem so entrenched that medical practice has been slow to change even when faced with evidence of ineffectiveness, "they wrote. "There are also reports that bed rest is still being over-prescribed "after heart attacks and catheterizations, for lower back pain and for acute infectious hepatitis.
FDA: Thousands of Health Devices Not Y2K-Ready by Daniel Verton, Federal Computer Week, October 25th. The previous week, a special assistant to the director in the FDA's Office of Science and Technology, testified before the House Health and Environment Subcommittee. The FDA identified 4,053 biomedical products from 214 manufacturers that are not Year 2000-compliant and are considered potentially high-risk devices, including: heart ventricular assist devices, cardiopulmonary bypass consoles, heart defibrillators, fetal ultrasonic monitors, neonatal incubators and dozens of other critical health care devices
The FDA specifically identified 90 products that pose a potentially high-risk to patients. These medical devices are characterized by their potential for immediate and serious adverse health consequences for a patient if they fail to function as designed or expected, including a failure to initiate or continue operation. ... Although compliance information on biomedical equipment is available through FDA's clearinghouse, the Y2K readiness status of equipment at health care providers' offices is not known because a significant number of providers did not respond to the surveys.
Year 2000 Facts, Forecasts, and Areas of Concern by Warren Bone, Westergaard Year 2000, October 28th. Based on the very valid assumption that any business or agency that was not ready by mid 1999 will not be fully ready by year 2000, this article lists many statistics and their sources. For example, from the President's Council on Year 2000 Conversion, 100 Days to Y2K: A Resource Guide for Small Organizations]:
Local Governments
In the article, there are over 50 line items like these, plus a chart of "US Federal Government's Year 2000 Percent Compliance Reported, Versus Its Actual Percent Compliance, Considering Reclassified Mission Critical Systems."
Announcements (Email press releases to us at Info@CompWellness.biz)Year 2000 Complementary Healthcare Conference, Rocky Mountain Area
Thank you all who responded to the Survey in previous issue. Unfortunately, the results were not conclusive a nearly equal distribution of pricing and date preferences. But fortunately, we don't give up that easily, the Y2K problems in the US could be minimal for the first weeks, but there will be enough problems to wake up the populace and the governments, creating a much stronger demand in January for alternatives to conventional healthcare. Our biggest concerns are in the supply chain for foreign goods and trade with Asia, Mexico south, Africa and Eastern Europe. We may be able to stumble through the first weeks in hospitals and doctors offices just hope you don't have an emergency but the medication and medical supply stream will soon be interrupted or, at the very least, become extremely expensive.
We definitely need two or three media sponsors to properly promote this type of conference, as well as some other sponsors that will reduce our costs any ideas/contacts?
We have several local and some nationally-known speakers in the Denver Metro area, but we'd like more national speakers
willing to do this for little or no compensation any ideas/contacts?Please send your responses today by emailing to Info@CompWellness.biz
Please forward these eLetters to Friends and Associates
ONE-CLICK REGISTER for your FREE, monthly 21st Century Wellness eLetter summarizing New eJournal articles and eGuide Chapters
Monday, October 18, 1999
Sunday, October 24th. The entire Denver-area community is invited to an open house at the very new and inspiring Daniel L. Ritchie Center for Sports & Wellness at the University of Denver from 11 am 3 pm. See more in Announcements below.
CompWellness Network, Part I FitnessWellness is a state of high-level health that requires a strong effort to reach and a continual effort to maintain. The result, however, is the best possibility of good health throughout life. Wellness has four parts:
CompWellness Network is applying this four-part program using the full spectrum of healthcare modalities Acupressure through Yoga, including conventional Western Medicine. You may be able to modify your health insurance coverage to include many of these modalities, or raise your deductible to reduce conventional insurance costs, therefore making money available for the other modalities.
The goal is for you and your healthcare practitioners to work together, using the least-aggressive therapies available to treat injuries and illness, and to assist you with recovery and prevention your wellness plan.
In mid-1996, Physical Activity and Health: A Report of the Surgeon General brought together the scientific evidence that physical activity is good for your health and a sedentary lifestyle contributes to chronic disease and disability. One of the Report's major conclusions is that moderate activity helps to combat the risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, colon cancer, and various other diseases and conditions. Fitness by itself does not guarantee wellness, but healthcare without fitness will definitely fall short of wellness.
The Report also noted that more than 60% of US adults do not exercise regularly and 25% are not active at all. Somewhat surprising, too, is the large number of younger Americans who are inactive: 50% do not exercise regularly and about 15% are not physically active at all.
The 1995 Dietary Guidelines for Americans the basis of the federal government's nutrition-related programs included physical activity guidance to maintain and improve weight: 30 minutes or more of moderate-intensity physical activity on all, or most, days of the week. Guidelines gives several examples of moderate physical activities for healthy US adults, including house cleaning, lawn mowing, painting, gardening, and many other normal, non-threatening activities.
This 30-minute-or-more, seven-day-a-week program is an excellent goal, but you can certainly improve your fitness by starting with 20 minutes, three days per week. In addition, you can accumulate the minutes throughout the day: two brisk 10-minute walks are equivalent to a 20 minute walk.
The Surgeon General Report's Executive Summary states, "Underpinning Guidelines' recommendations is a growing understanding of how physical activity affects physiologic function. The body responds to physical activity in ways that have important positive effects on musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory and endocrine systems. These changes are consistent with a number of health benefits, effecting:
So, it's off to the gym for all of us? Not necessarily. As reinforced in the Questions & Answers Section below, walking is a great way to get your exercise it costs nothing and is usually very enjoyable, with immediate non-physical benefits. A more aggressive fitness program, especially if your back, knees or legs need work, can be well aided by Fitness Professionals (included in the Help component of wellness)
Fitness Professionals by Pat Pine, President, National Fitness Therapy Association
The Fitness Professional entering the next century must be prepared to answer some key questions:
All of the above questions have been answered for other healthcare professions, such as Physicians, Physical Therapists, Chiropractors and Nurses. The healthcare industry requires a college degree or specific certification, as well as usually licensure or accreditation. In short, it requires specific responsibility, accountability and it is usually regulated either by a government agency or an accrediting association. The fitness industry, however, is basically unregulated.
The challenge is three fold:
That is precisely why the National Fitness Therapy Association (NFTA) was formed. NFTA accreditation identifies the professional requirements, establishes credibility by adopting nationally recognized standards of operation and validates the services and programs provided by the individual Fitness Professionals within this industry.
Source: Patrick Pine, President, National Fitness Therapy Association, 1141 Jersey Street, Denver CO 80220, (303)399-4545, (888)523-4545. Mr. Pine is the founder of NFTA. He also served as the Executive Director for the Western Association of Clubs (WAC), a regional association of IHRSA, from 1993 to 1998. He has a Master's Degree in Physical Education from Colorado State University and more than 30 years of experience in the health and fitness industry. His experience includes teaching, coaching, recreational director, sales manager, wellness director, club owner/manager and consultant.
Complementary First Aid, Part VII Survive a Heart AttackStudy Finds Sixth-Graders Can Be Taught To Use A Defibrillator, The Medical Tribune, October 19, 1999. Dr. Gust H. Bardy, a professor of cardiology at the University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, set out to prove that the latest automated external defibrillators (AEDs) are so easy to use, even a child can operate them.
After giving a group of 19 sixth-graders in the Seattle area just one minute of instruction on their use, he showed that the children could correctly apply the device to a training mannequin. Not only did the children properly use the device, they took only 30 seconds longer on average than a fully trained paramedic to apply a shock that could restore a heartbeat.
Every year about 300,000 people suffer sudden cardiac arrest. This is caused by ventricular fibrillation a chaotic abnormal electrical activity that causes the heart to quiver in an uncontrollable fashion, interfering with the pumping action of the heart. The defibrillator provides an electrical shock to the heart that helps to restore its natural rhythm.
A properly used defibrillator can save a life if it is used on time. You have an 80 percent chance of surviving a near certain-death event if you are shocked within two minutes," says Dr. Bardy. The chances of fatality increase by 10 percent for each minute of delay, and more than 75 percent overwhelming majority of those who suffer cardiac arrest do so inconveniently away from a hospital. That is why Dr. Bardy suggests that defibrillators should be as common in the home as smoke detectors or fire extinguishers. Defibrillators cost about $3,000 each, but Dr. Bardy noted their price has been dropping, and he expected they will eventually cost less than $1,000.
This shows the importance and possibilities for involving youth in emergency preparations, as well as the need for handy emergency equipment. Find more on this study and its background in the October 19th issue of Circulation. Additional information can be found at the American Heart Association's CPR and AEDs web page.
Controversial Cough CPR Technique
We found the following that is being passed around through heart attack support group eLetters and emails that is not supported by any medical organization that we can find. However, if nothing else is available, it may keep you alive until help is found. Use your discretion, and do not recommend it as a proven technique.
When alone, a person whose heart stops beating properly, and who begins to feel faint, has only about 10 seconds before losing consciousness. However, these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously. A deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest. A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without let up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again. Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs, and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm. In this way, heart attack victims can get to a phone and, between breaths, call for help.
Another scenario for use of this technique is that you are in your car with no cellular phone and you feel a heart attack coming on. Pop your hood, get out of your car, open your hood, go to the back of your car, wave for help and cough as above.
Questions & Answers (Email your questions to us at Info@CompWellness.biz)Healthcare in the year 2000 and beyond will be as much prevention and preparation as it will be responding intelligently to symptoms. It will be helpful to reach tip-top shape before Year 2000 challenges start to take their toll on our body systems which may start as early as December. Here are some straight-forward answers to typical medical problems.
Walking for Your Life by Andrew Weil, MD
Is it true that walking is almost equal to jogging as an aerobic exercise?
Not only is it almost equal to jogging in terms of getting your heart pumping, but I think research eventually will show that it's superior in terms of overall health benefits. There are lots of reasons to prefer walking to just about any other form of exercise. First of all, everyone knows how to do it and it doesn't require any equipment. Second, you can do it anywhere. Third, the risk of injury is far less than for any other kind of aerobic exercise.
With jogging, the risk of injury is high. A person who jogs also is more likely to become exercise-dependent or to misuse exercise. People who really go for the endorphin high are often tempted to run through the pain and then wind up being unable to exercise at all.
You may also find that walking can be meditative and relaxing. You can take in the sights or listen to a portable radio or CD player. Walking exercises your brain as well as your body; it's a cross-patterned movement right arm moves forward with the left leg that generates harmonizing electrical activity in your central nervous system.
For more of this answer, see www.pathfinder.com/drweil/archiveqa/0,2283,123,00.html
Fight Depression without Drugs by Andrew Weil, MD
What alternatives are there to conventional antidepressant medications?
There are only two alternative treatments for depression. The first is regular aerobic exercise, which can definitely provide a long-term solution. You'll have to do at least 30 minutes of some vigorous aerobic activity at least five times a week, and be prepared to wait several weeks before you see any benefit. Aerobic exercise is a preventive as well as a treatment.
The second is an herbal treatment, called St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum), which is much used in Germany for the treatment of mild to moderate depression, as well as associated disturbed sleep cycles. Take 300 mg, three times a day, of a standardized extract of 0.125 percent of hypericum. Again, be prepared to wait several months before you see the full benefit. Note: Don't combine St. John's Wort with prescribed antidepressant medication.
Changes in your diet may also make a difference. Try eating less protein and fat, and more starches, fruits, and vegetables. Make sure you aren't taking any other medications that may contribute to depression. These include antihistamines, tranquilizers, sleeping pills, and narcotics. Recreational drugs, alcohol and coffee can also make depression worse. [See our next issue on Nutrition.]
There are some good resources on depression on the Web: Mental Health Net's depression guide, which lists newsgroups, the National Institute of Mental Health, and various websites. The Samaritans, a non-religious charity in Great Britain, runs a newsgroup called alt.support.depression.
Buddhist psychology views depression as the necessary consequence of seeking stimulation. It counsels us to seek an emotional balance in life, rather than always seeking the highs and then regretting the lows that follow. The prescription is daily meditation, and I agree this may be the best way to get at the root of depression and change it.
See more of this answer in Dr. Weil's Q & A Library
Dr. Andrew Weil is a leader in the integration of Western medicine and the exploding field of alternative medicine. He teaches at the University of Arizona in Tucson specializing in alternative medicine, mind/body interactions and medical botany where he is training a new generation of physicians. He is the author of seven books including his most recent best-seller, 8 Weeks to Optimum Health. Dr Weil answers 100's of wellness questions in the "Previous Q & A's" Section of his"Q & A Library."
Reader Comments (Email your comments to us at Info@CompWellness.biz)Healing vs Wellness
Tom Goode, ND of The International Breath Institute Boulder Colorado, wrote: I find myself increasingly concerned with the seeming trend away from holism toward "new and better" allopathic magic bullets in the natural genre. Most of the eLetters, magazines and other services to which I subscribe are hot to tell us about the latest external treatment for this, that or the other without addressing cause in consciousness. As an alternative healthcare practitioner in the late 70's and early 80's, I became weary of being the healthy "alternative" to self-responsibility and exploration of cause. My practice then was of mostly medical (MD) and psychological (MA, PhD) types looking for a natural remedy an alternative to drugs for symptomatic treatment.
Certainly remedies are important inasmuch as it is difficult to consider cause when in acute pain or attending to a bleeding wound. However, there is so much emphasis on (fearful) prevention and readiness (what to take on a hike so that if you are attacked by fruit bats, bears, wild dogs, insects and poison ivy you will be ready) that the issue of our creation and responsibility for our part in it are totally overlooked. I would hope with all of the wondrous cures and treatments that are available today, that at least a few of us will be able to assist our clients at looking to the cause, instead of becoming hypnotized by the cures and thus miss the message of any illness or accident, mishap or misadventure.
We agree, Tom. The best way to heal is to address the root cause and to focus on wellness. Many of us are there in our self-care, practices and teachings, but others are not. Part of this eLetter's mission is to transform all of us from the strictly-allopathic, illness model to a holistic (complementary) wellness model. As you can see in this issue, we are working the wellness aspect of healthcare into our editorial each issue. I invite you to expand this note and pull from other writings to put together an article for our eJournal. Breathwork would be especially interesting since it is portable and does not require the technological trappings of allopathic and many other healing systems. KJ
News (Email news leads to us at Info@CompWellness.biz)News report summaries on Healthcare follow, focusing on this issue's theme Fitness. We have most of the articles on file in case you look for the web references after they are cleared.
Exercise In Long Sessions or Short Frequent Ones for lowering triglyceride levels or blood fats, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, November 17, 1998. Evidence from a study published in the October 1998 issue of the official journal of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise® indicates that your schedule can dictate the timing of your exercise sessions. If lowering triglyceride levels or blood fats is your goal, several short sessions may do the job as well as one long bout. In addition, this study provides support for ACSM's current physical activity recommendations, but the results join a growing scientific literature indicating that shorter, more frequent physical activity and exercise sessions can be beneficial to health. Time need not be the psychological barrier any longer. This information supports the ability of the individual to choose short or long sessions and reap the benefits either way. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise is available at 1-800-638-6423.
NFTA Announces Formation of a National Advisory Committee, September 1, 1999. Patrick Pine, President of the National Fitness Therapy Association (NFTA), announced the appointments of ten professionals to the NFTA National Advisory Committee. These individuals provide representation from all aspects of the health, fitness and wellness industry. The purpose of the committee is to review the established standards and audit process on an ongoing basis and to make recommendations to the Board if changes are needed for improvement. It will also keep the Board informed of any changes in the health care delivery systems that may affect the published standards. Contact Pat Pine for a full press release.
Announcements (Email press releases to us at Info@CompWellness.biz)DU invites Public to its New Sports & Wellness Center for Open House, University of Denver, Sunday, October 24th. The entire Denver community is invited to the new Daniel L. Ritchie Center for Sports & Wellness at the University of Denver from 11 am 3 pm. The open house promises free entertainment featuring a bell concert, public ice skating, refreshments, varsity soccer and volleyball games as well as tours and membership info on wellness activities. The Ritchie Center is located at 2201 East Asbury Ave. on DU's University Park campus.
Within The Ritchie Center is The Coors Fitness Center featuring a 10,000-square-foot free-weight, cardiovascular and aerobic conditioning center, a two-story climbing wall and 20,000 square feet of exercise rooms for dance and aerobics, martial arts, yoga and other wellness programs. Classrooms and offices finish out the fitness and wellness facility. Public tours and memberships will be available during the open house.
For more on this facility, see The Ritchie Center on DU's website.
Holistic Approach Towards Aids & Health 7th International Congress, December 1-2, 1999, Taj Bengal Hotel Calcutta. "The six International and eight National Conferences organised by the Board were a grand success attended by a great number of delegates from all over the country and many parts of the world such as USA, UK, Australia, Canada, Japan, Germany, Spain, Mexico, South Africa, Italy, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Qatar, Bahrain and Maldives. A host of luminaries from all walks of life Mother Teresa, HH Dalai Lama, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, Rev Desmond Tutu, President & Vice President of India, Prime Minister of India, Union Ministers, Governors, State Ministers have also blessed the occasion. This time, we expect a great number of delegates from abroad and all over the country. You are most welcome to join us." Fees: Foreigners- US$ 250 Indians- Rs. 2500. Hosted by the Indian Board of Alternative Medicines, 91-33-2470157, Fax : 91-33-2402792, E-mail: president@altmeduniversity.com.
Year 2000 Complementary Healthcare Conference
Survey (Please indicate your responses today by hitting REPLY or emailing this section to Info@CompWellness.biz)
We have been encouraged to go forward with our plans for an International Healthcare Conference in the Denver Metro area on one weekend for November, December or January. It will
not be an exposition but rather professional-level conference featuring 2-hour classes on the following and more stand-alone, immediately-usable, well-documented healthcare self-sufficiency modalities, for first aid and the long term:It will be positioned with good access to Boulder County. Metro Denver and the major airport hotels. To pay the $10,000+ for the facilities, supplies and labor, there needs to be some fee, with senior, student and group discounts. A reasonable daily fee would be:
[ ] $15 per day .. . [ ] $20 .. . [ ] $25 .. . [ ] $30 .. . [ ] $more
[ ] People will not pay anything for this valuable life-saving, self-sufficiency information
The best dates with no known conflicts would be (check as many as appropriate):
[ ] Nov 20-21
[ ] Nov 27-28 (Post-Thanksgiving weekend)
[ ] Dec 4-5 (Hanukkah through the 11th)
[ ] Dec 11-12 .. . [ ] Dec 18-19
[ ] Jan 8-9 .. . [ ] Jan 15-16 .. . [ ] Jan 22-23 .. . [ ] Jan 29-30
We definitely need two or three media sponsors to properly promote this type of conference, as well as some other sponsors that will reduce our costs any ideas/contacts? List here:
We have several local and some nationally-known speakers in the Denver Metro area, but we'd like more national speakers
willing to do this for little or no compensation any ideas/contacts? List here:Would you come on one of your selected dates? .. . [ ] Yes .. . [ ] No .. . [ ] Possibly
Please indicate your responses today by hitting REPLY or emailing this section to Info@CompWellness.biz
Please forward these eLetters to Friends and Associates
ONE-CLICK REGISTER for your FREE, monthly 21st Century Wellness eLetter summarizing New eJournal articles and eGuide Chapters
Monday, October 4, 1999
Buying Herbs
by Dr. Andrew Weil,"Herbal Medicine Chest"
Growing interest in herbal medicine has stimulated the proliferation of both high-quality herbal suppliers and marginal ones. Overall, I think standardized extracts are your best bet. The next best are probably tinctures, and then freeze-dried preparations of particular plants, such as stinging nettles. Whether you buy these in a grocery store or a health food store or an herb shop doesn't really matter as long as they're as fresh as possible.
Herbal products are made from plants that have medicinal properties. Light, air and moisture all speed the deterioration of dried plants and rob them of their usefulness. The most destructive process is oxidation that is, reactions with oxygen that change the plants' chemistry.
A standardized extract is one that has been assayed to determine the content of one or several key constituents. The label will give a percentage content of these compounds. Standardization is the best assurance that a product contains what it's supposed to contain in amounts sufficient to produce a desired effect. Standardized extracts may be liquids or solids.
Tinctures are liquid extracts of fresh or dried plants in alcohol. The alcohol content is high enough to preserve the plant material. Tinctures are stable and convenient, but their quality is only as good as that of the herbs that went into them. Tinctures should be shaken before use and diluted in warm water before being consumed; a typical dose is one dropperful in one quarter cup of water, taken three to four times a day with food.
[See more on preparing herbs in the next article]
If you don't want the alcohol, you can look for other liquid extracts of herbs in vinegar or glycerin, but these are not as good as alcohol-based products.
Or you can buy your herbs freeze-dried. Freeze-drying is a process that uses chemical solvents to extract the plants, then flash-evaporates the extracts at low temperature in a partial vacuum. This process removes the solvents. The solid residue is then packed into capsules. Freeze-dried extracts are far superior to air-dried whole herbs.
Loose herbs sold in bulk are probably not going to be much more useful to your body than grass clippings on a compost heap. If they're finely chopped and sitting in a bin, they're likely to have lost all of their medicinal properties through exposure to the elements. This is especially true of leaves and flowers. Roots and bark deteriorate more slowly.
Powdered herbs in capsules are probably just as bad. Because they've been ground up, they oxidize much faster, since there is much more surface area exposed to air.
In some cases, you can use bulk herbs to prepare teas for example, ephedra stems for asthma, blueberry-leaf tea to regulate blood sugar, cornsilk tea as a diuretic or raspberry-leaf tea for menstrual cramps. Again, make sure they're packaged well to prevent deterioration. You can check for freshness by smelling them if they smell stale, they probably are not much good.
Another concern is contamination. Herbs may have been grown using pesticides; they might have been fumigated in shipment; and they might contain foreign material. Herbal preparations that have been harvested from the wild ("wildcrafted") or cultivated organically are better choices. It makes sense to buy brands that advertise the purity of their products. In my book Natural Health, Natural Medicine (Houghton Mifflin, 1998), I mention "herbal" remedies from Hong Kong that turned out to contain powerful and potentially toxic pharmaceutical drugs. Look for a list of ingredients on the package, and buy from reputable sources.
Source: by Andrew Weil, MD,"Herbal Medicine Chest"Copyright © 1999-2012, CompWellness Network, Fairfield NJ USA Asklepios Enterprises, Inc. Reprinted with Permission. Also see Dr. Weil's sections on the best herbs to help you through each season of the year.
from: Heirloom Seeds eLetter via Chet Day's Health and Beyond Weekly.
It seems that more people are becoming interested in the use of herbs as an alternative to store-bought medicine [read the] various ways herbs can be [prepared] medically. Chet Day
Refer to our Herbal First Aid article for information on how to use medicinal herbs.
An infusion is made by immersing a herb in either hot or cold water. Use bottled mineral water for best results. For a hot infusion, place the herbs in a canning jar along with the mineral water. Put a canning lid on the jar. Steep the jar in hot water (not boiling). The length of time depends on the individual herb and on whether you're using the leaves, flower head, seeds, or roots. Use after the liquid cools. Honey may be added, if desired, to improve the taste.
If kept cool in the refrigerator, the infusion can be saved for 2 to 3 days. Some herbs (e.g. common yarrow) give off a bitter taste when infused with hot water. Make a cold water infusion for these varieties. (Time needed varies with the variety of herb used).
This is more potent than an infusion. Place the dried herb in an enamel or glass sauce pan with cold water and slowly bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer until the volume is reduced to 1/4 of its original volume. Will keep 2 to 3 days if refrigerated. The amount of herb and water used depends on the variety of herb.
Chop dry plant parts, such as roots, bark or large stems into small pieces. Crush the pieces with a mortar and pestle into powder form (a coffee bean grinder can also be used). The powder can then be added to drinks and soups, or sprinkled on food.
A tincture is made by immersing a herb in alcohol, which acts as an extractive. Place 4 oz of dried herb in a container with a tight lid. Add 1 pint alcohol that is at least 60 proof (brandy or vodka). Do not use treated ethyl alcohol or rubbing alcohol. Let this mixture sit for 2 weeks, shaking daily. Strain and store the liquid in a dark jar. Add 5 to 10 drops of the tincture to a cup of hot water or tea.
Ointments and Creams
Prepare a strong decoction or infusion and add this to a small quantity of olive oil. Boil until the liquid from the infusion has evaporated (bubbles cease to appear). This will leave the herbal principles in the oil. To make a cream from this, simply stir in melted bees wax. Amounts of wax and oil vary depending on the variety of herb. These are a few of the ways herbs can be used medicinally from the garden.
For exact amounts of herbs to be used and complete directions for using herbs, refer to one of the many books on this subject. We recommend The Reader's Digest Handbook HERBS; Herbal Antibiotics by Stephen Harrod Buhner and Natural and Herbal Family Remedies by Cynthia Black. All of these can be purchased from our web site or found at your local bookstore or library.
Source: Heirloom Seeds eLetter, September 12, ©1999 via Chet Day's Health and Beyond Weekly, No 31, September 17, ©1999.
Books (Send books to review to the address on our website)Your Top Health Concerns (Ask Dr. Weil) by Andrew Weil, MD (90 pp, $2.99 or less, with index) If you like your books short and sweet, you'll like this one. Dr Weil has compiled several questions from his website. There are several wellness questions that will be helpful to reach tip-top shape before 2000 challenges start to take their toll on our body systems which may start in December. You can find many of these questions and answers in the "Previous Q & A's "Section of his"Q & A Library"on his website. However, this will be easier to read away from your main computer. We'll reprint a few in upcoming Q & A sections.
Questions & Answers (Email your questions to us at Info@CompWellness.biz)Healthcare in the year 2000 and beyond will be as much prevention and preparation as it will be responding intelligently to symptoms. Building strong body systems involves learning some new ways to deal with old problems. Here are some straight-forward methods from member practitioners in Boulder, Colorado.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome by Jennifer Workman, MS, RD
I'm a 26 year old male, and two years ago I developed a minor case of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). I have found that eating regularly helps minimize symptoms, but inevitable stress can cause the symptoms to flare with all their fury. IBS controls my life, and I'm wondering if there is a cure
Statistics show that almost 80 percent of the American population is suffering from some form of IBS. However, it's manageable once you better understand your body's response to foods and stress.
Ayurveda has many of the answers. The cornerstone of Ayurvedic diagnosis and treatment is dosha, a description of three groups of people. In very simplistic terms:
People who have more Vata and Pitta in their system or constitution will respond to stress with symptoms such as anxiety, nervousness, fear, heat, frustration, annoyance or aggravation. These emotional symptoms will manifest somewhere in the body. In a Vata, it may cause gas, constipation or bloating. In a Pitta, it may cause irritation, diarrhea or bleeding stools.
Most people have some food sensitivities usually to wheat, gluten, or soy. These will exacerbate the symptoms and cause even more irritation and stress on the colon. These are usually easy to identify. Adding more variety and less repetition of the foods that aggravate them can make a huge difference.
Jennifer Workman, MS, RD, is a registered dietitian with a master's degree in nutrition and exercise physiology. She is becoming well known throughout the US and Canada, as a practitioner and owner of The Balanced Approach, a nutrition and weight-management consulting company based on the principles of Ayurveda and sports nutrition, in Boulder CO at (303)447-9484.
Injuries with Age by Erik Hansen, CFT, CMT
The older I get, the more injuries I suffer and the longer they take to heal. Why is this? I like to run, ski and play volleyball is there anything I can do to avoid giving up my sports.
Some people suffer from more injuries and have longer healing periods because of lifestyle and sports equipment. How many times in volleyball can we dive onto hardwood floors? How many steps can we take with shoes incorrectly designed so that our heels strike the ground first with every step?
If you understand the nature of your sports, it is easy to develop a program to maintain your body's composure. Learning how to dive for a ball or to fall with the least amount of impact will greatly preserve your body. Find professionals who can provide a systematic approach to evaluate the nature of each sport and how to maintain harmony with the body.
Healing is also lengthened by Western lifestyle not enough sleep and meditation as well as poor nutrition and training routines. I recommend you have a stool, urine, hormone and blood analysis done. They will tell you how to adjust your eating and lifestyle. Next, have your musculo-skeletal system evaluated by a personal trainer who is proficient in manual muscle testing and has extensive background in postural and biomechanical functions. Then begin a systematic program to attain your goals.
Erik Hansen, CFT, CMT, has been training athletes of all ages for 20 years and is a former professional triathlete. He is the owner of Paradigm Therapies Inc, Boulder CO, at (303)440-3301.
Reader Comments (Email your comments to us at Info@CompWellness.biz)Water Purification Update from Issue No 6
Suzanne, an essential oil user suggested, "To purify the water we drink, we add a couple of drops of lemon oil to a glass of water. This is enough to purify it, and also to take away the 'flat' taste the distilled water has."
Laraine Kyle, RN, MSN, CS, CMT, Co-Founder Institute for Integrative Aromatherapy and the author of our Aromatherapy First Aid article, responded,"... people do this with lemon oil and it is actually OK ... Some of the aromatic molecules are water soluble, though if too much is put in the water, the essential oil will float on top and cause burning to lips, mucous membranes [so only use a couple of drops per glass]. Lemon oil is an excellent anti-bacterial.
Sharing the eLetter
Emi Miller, RN, HNC, ND, (LAc), the President of the Idaho Acupuncture Society wrote, "Great Job! I will distribute the eLetter to my colleagues." (Her state's acupuncture law passed in July, and they're waiting on the Board to be established. Progress takes time.)
Potassium Iodide
Mick Winter of Napa Valley Y2K wrote in May, "Congratulations on the website ... it has great potential. ... Here's a general ... not a holistic/complementary question: which is the best substance to take to prevent radioactive iodine from entering the thyroid: potassium iodide or potassium iodate?" Given the nuclear accident in Japan, it has become a very important holistic/complementary question since we need this substance as a preventative measure. The answer is iodide and our WebMistress and well-prepared country woman, Leslie Varnicle, says "it may be available locally, but we found it for $4.95 per 2-week-supply per person at BePrepared.com."
Y2K Connections
Jan Nickerson, creator of Y2K Connections, a community-building game, thanked us "for offering such a great service, "and pointed out a couple of the game's Healthcare scenarios:
Thanks Jan keep an eye on both the eLetter and the website for the compilation of our first aid information into the "manual" you seek. KJ
News report summaries on Healthcare and Y2K follow. We have most of the articles on file in case you look for the web references after they are cleared.
The 100-Day Report by the US Senate Special Committee On The Year 2000 Technology Problem describes the state of the country and the world at 100 days from end of the year. It paints a poor picture of our readiness, with healthcare included in the least prepared sectors along with local governments, small business and education. The Executive Summary reports:
Y2K compliance is mixed in the healthcare industry, which is characterized by extensive decentralization of operations. Some segments, such as pharmaceutical manufacturing, wholesaling and distribution, and large-scale hospitals, have invested the managerial and financial resources to remediate and test for most Y2K problems. Conversely, rural and inner city hospitals, nursing homes, and physicians' offices have particularly high Y2K risk exposure due to limited technical/managerial resources and lack of awareness.
The Committee remains concerned about the hundreds of different types of electronic biomedical devices used by all healthcare providers. Most in the medical device industry have identified the Y2K compliance of their products, but end-to-end testing within a facility has not been the norm. The difficulty in testing and limited resources available for replacement of devices at some institutions contributes to the Committee's concern and raises serious patient safety questions.
Healthcare is the nation's single largest industry, generating $1.5 trillion annually. The US has 6,000 hospitals, 800,000 doctors in 50,000 offices and 16,000 nursing homes, as well as 2,000 biomedical equipment manufacturers and numerous healthcare insurers in the public (Medicare/Medicaid) and private sectors. All of these entities are highly automated and, thus are highly exposed to Y2K risk. On a positive note, the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA), the federal agency that oversees Medicare payments, has made a nationwide effort to ensure that its health claims payments system is Y2K compliant.
Worries About Medicare Providers (Stephen Barr, Washington Post) via Sanger & Shannon's Review of Y2K News Reports In testimony by the General Accounting Office before the House Government Reform subcommittee chaired by Rep. Stephen Horn (R-Calif.), the GAO says that "Forty of 69 Medicare contractors usually insurance companies have tested with less than one percent of the doctors, hospitals and health providers who submit claims for payments." Separately, "The Health Care Financing Administration, which oversees the Medicare program, has sent letters to more than 1.1 million health plans and providers stressing the importance of Y2K readiness ... But it appears that doctors, hospitals and nursing homes have been reluctant to engage in Y2K tests and demonstrate their compliance, according to congressional auditors. Gary Christoph, the chief technology officer at HCFA, acknowledges in his draft testimony that 'we now see our greatest risk to the program as the uncertainties in the readiness of our partners, namely, our Medicare providers ... Virtually all of the surveys of provider readiness have fairly low response rates, and the anonymous responses are self-reported data, which may be overly optimistic. ... We continue to have serious, ongoing concerns about the ability of some Medicare providers to successfully meet this challenge.'"
AIDS Pandemic Predicted To Worsen In 21st Century (September 30, Reuters Health/InteliHealth Professional Connect) Global efforts aimed at preventing HIV infection must be intensified, as effective treatment becomes a less and less feasible option for controlling this disease on a worldwide scale, according to Dr. Anthony S Fauci. "Unless methods of prevention, with or without a vaccine are successful, the worst of the global pandemic will occur in the 21st century, "the director of National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) in Bethesda, Maryland, predicts in a special article in the September 30th issue of The New England Journal of Medicine.
Many Diabetes Patients are Harmed when they Skip Their Oral Medication (The Medical Tribune/InteliHealth Connect) In the news article last issue,"Vegan Diet Helps Control Type 2 [adult-onset] Diabetes "we learned that a strict vegetarian 'vegan' diet can help improve blood sugar control. Some people, however, prefer oral medications, but, according to this article, "an alarming number of diabetes patients [such as those in this] United Kingdom [study], aren't taking[their oral medications], risking their health and even their lives... Discontinuing oral medication can cause blood sugar levels to rise [which over time] can greatly increase the risk of diabetes complications such as eye diseases and kidney problems. The risk of heart disease is increased two to four times in people with diabetes." Therefore, if you or your loved ones are on oral diabetes medications, stock up for an extra week or two before the end of the year.
Please forward these eLetters to Friends and Associates
ONE-CLICK REGISTER for your FREE, monthly 21st Century Wellness eLetter summarizing New eJournal articles and eGuide Chapters
Monday, September 20, 1999
As we said in the Part IV, self-sufficiency will be the hallmark of the Year 2000 in most aspects of our lives, but especially healthcare. On or before January 1st, access to healthcare facilities and practitioners may be interrupted. This will be due to likely disruptions in the conventional healthcare system, or unknown infrastructure failures manufacturing, transportation or communications restricting access to all healthcare practitioners, supplies and services.
Complementary First Aid goes beyond basic First Aid see Red Cross as well as many schools, non-profit organizations and government agencies. It includes remedies such as Acupressure, Aromatherapy, Herbology and Homeopathy (see our eLetter archives), Bodywork modalities and Reflexology (see our online eGuide).
This issue features a diagnostic technique, Iridology using the iris for short and long term indications of internal problems: damaged or weak organs and body systems.
Iridology is the practice of looking at the fiber, color, texture and pattern in the iris of the eye to determine whether a person is exhibiting any inflammation, stress or inherent weaknesses in the overall body constitution. It was discovered by two European doctors in the 1860's. Since that time, Iridology has been used widely in Europe and Asia, as a single tool for determining a person's health or in conjunction with other diagnostic modalities.
Dr. Bernard Jensen brought Iridology to the United States around 1935. As a Chiropractor and Herbalist, Dr. Jensen has documented thousands of case histories and therapies using Iridology as part of his routine examination of a client. From his work we find that the eye truly is the window of the soul. The eye chart he developed is the one used worldwide today. See the following "Chart to Iridology." This chart is used as an example only; it has been updated regularly by Bernard Jensen International.
Some Iridologists take a photograph of the eye and compare it to the eye chart. Other Iridologists use a penlight and magnifying glass to look into a client's eyes while seated comfortably in a chair.
Have someone else do this for you if an Iridologist is not available. Use a strong, but not bright light on one or, if possible, both sides do not use your camera flash. KJ
In either case, the eye analysis will show whether a client has a generally good constitution or a poor one.
We know from research using electron microscopes, that each fiber in the iris is actually a nerve sheath containing more than 20,000 nerve fibers. Each of the nerve fibers travels through the central nervous system to every organ, system and area of the body. As such, each region of the iris represents an area of the body.
The patterns, structures, colors and degree of lightness and darkness in the iris will reveal the health of that particular area, including: irritation, injury or degeneration of the tissues and organs.
Iridologists [and you] can use herbs known to feed a particular organ or system, as well as vitamins and minerals, to enhance the body's own healing mechanisms. Even people with hopeless conditions have found relief using the information discovered through an Iridology exam.
Iridology is a simple, painless and non-intrusive tool for assessing health and well-being. It can be an integral part of preventative healthcare, [and helps clarify your particular conditions on your own].
More Information and Commercial Charts may be found at your local health food market, enlightened bookstores, and from:
Naturopathic Physicians (NDs) and other healthcare professionals know Iridology and can help you learn some of its subtleties. See the CompWellness Network Members list and the Life Enrichment Network list.
Sources: Jeni Schraisuhm, RM, Longmont CO; and Kathy Sincere, Lakewood CO, from the "Iridology" chapter in the Complementary Healing eGuide
Water Purification UpdateIn the last issue, we reported on using a replacement Super Stearasy "ceramic candle" secured upright in a five gallon plastic bucket that drips into a jar in another bucket. Mike Jones, a Technical Writer at QCI suggested attaching a small hose that screws into the bottom of the ceramic candle, laying it sideways on the bottom of the bucket then siphoning out the water. This eliminates a second bucket and filters better when the water nears the bottom of the bucket. Thanks Mike.
In a letter to MHY2K Musings, Health, & Y2K, No 36, Suzanne writes, "We use sterilized water all the time and often the water has been sitting in the bottle for a few weeks. I belong to Young's Living Essential Oils (see our Aromatherapy Article) and have found that almost all of the oils are anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, anti-viral. ... To purify the water we drink, we add a couple of drops of lemon oil to a glass of water. This is enough to purify it, and also to take away the "flat" taste the distilled water has. We also add the oil to a spritzer bottle containing distilled water and use that to purify the air and the keep counter tops clean." Thanks Suzanne.
If you know of other in-home or field water treatment systems, or other healthy tips that are straight-forward and inexpensive, please drop us a line.
NewsNews report summaries on Healthcare and Y2K follow. We have most of the articles on file in case you look for the web references after they are cleared.
Vegan Diet Helps Control Type 2 Diabetes (September 14, Reuters Health/InteliHealth Online) "A strict vegetarian 'vegan' diet can help improve blood sugar control in patients with type 2 (adult-onset) diabetes, according to research [a small but conclusive study], published in the August issue of Preventive Medicine. Nearly 95% of all diabetics have type 2 diabetes, which occurs when the body gradually becomes less sensitive to insulin, leading to potentially dangerous fluctuations in blood sugar levels. ... healthy changes in lifestyle such as low-fat diets and exercise can help patients maintain safe glycemic (blood sugar) control. More than half the patients in the vegan group ... were able to reduce their dosage of these hypoglycemia medications."
CDC: Food Poisoning Sickens Millions (September 17, AP/InteliHealth Connect) "In the country considered to have the world's safest food supply, 76 million people are sickened, 325,000 are hospitalized and 5,000 die each year from food poisoning, according to new federal figures [from the Consumer Advocacy Center]." See 21st Century Wellness eLetter No 4 for a way to cleanse food potentially contaminated before you buy it. Be careful how you store and handle food, especially in an emergency, camping or even home barbecuing. The American Dietetic Association recommends four easy steps for food safety:
Many of friends and associates tell us that the media doesn't indicate that Y2K will be a problem. We suggest they look a little deeper than the first pages or paragraphs, or the nightly news:
Gov't Offering Y2K Warnings Abroad (September 13/15, Ted Bridis, Yahoo! News/AP) "The State Department is preparing country-by-country advisories to warn Americans living or traveling overseas about possible failures related to the Year 2000 technology problem. The warnings included details about 194 nations where visiting Americans could be affected by power outages, water shortages, [healthcare problems] and other potentially serious problems caused by the Y2K computer glitch. The reports, which were compiled by embassies worldwide, promised to be the best road map yet for identifying global trouble spots..." The Healthcare problem areas are one of the main sectors evaluated. In a follow-up, Bridis reports that State is warning that around the New Year's holiday foreign countries likely will experience problems such as power failures or telephone outages, especially in parts of Latin America, Asia and Eastern Europe. Rumors are that pressure from elsewhere in the federal government and the world has forced the State Department to back off on their reports somewhat, so their site's warnings are not as strong as previously reported.
The Y2K Progress Report Card for Federal Departments and Agencies: B- (September 10, US Representative Stephan Horn's Subcommittee on Government Management, Information and Technology as of August 13th). Overall, the government's internal systems rate a B+, however, its "High-Impact Programs" only rate a C-.
Horn says, "the job is still not completed. Progress during this quarter is discouraging. The flurry of activity we saw among federal agencies earlier this year has slowed to a snail's pace." Health and Human Services completed only another 1% of its "Mission-Critical" Systems as did the government overall but managed to rate a B.
"In many cases, the federal agency responsible for a particular program may be compliant, but its business partners state and local governments, and the private sector who assist in delivering the service are not ready. [In addition,] the number of Year 2000-ready programs has tripled [from 2 to 7 of 24] during the last three months, however, 36 [of the 43] High Impact Programs remain at risk of failure."
Health and Human Services' High-Impact Programs rated an F. Incomplete programs include (followed by their white-knuckle completion dates):
Backup systems to the healthcare programs are in trouble too:
Remember, these are all based on self-reported data unaudited by the GAO or an external agency and we all know that computer projects usually take longer to complete than estimated. Check out the July 29th GAO report indicating that the 100% completion touted in May is not true. Also, end-to-end testing is very important to ferret out data exchange problems and other "bugs" impossible until subsystems are complete which often includes non-federally controlled governments and organizations.
Horn summarizes by saying, "I strongly urge all federal agencies to intensify their Year 2000 efforts, and continue testing and re-testing system changes, and business continuity and contingency plans."
We need these kind of strong statements and leadership. Hopefully federal agencies will listen and act, as well as strongly encourage state/local governments and small/medium-sized businesses to do the same. It would make sense to call and encourage your local government officials.
Announcements (Send press releases to Kenton H Johnson)Complementary Healthcare for Year 2000, International Conference, Denver Metro Colorado, November. Please email by September 30th your interest and suggestions for topics as well as preferred weekends after November 7th, including any potential conflicts with other national/international healthcare or Y2K conferences. We need your enthusiasm and input to go forward with this project. Thank you.
Life Enrichment Network and CompWellness Network Join Forces. Recently, we have discovered an excellent national organization that is rapidly expanding across the US to help us all build Complementary Healthcare businesses. Life Enrichment Network (LEN) is the kind of substantial, caring, national organization that we need for this particular industry grow even stronger. We have been working with LEN for three months and have been very impressed with who they are, what they are accomplishing and the dedication they bring to serving both their members and the public. In fact, we are happy to announce an partnership between CompWellness Network and Life Enrichment Network. We have combined efforts to accomplish our mission with even more resources than before. If you are a healthcare professional, we wholeheartedly recommend that you take advantage of the September charter LEN membership offer that includes:
This a superior offer for Complementary Healthcare professionals from two substantial organizations, so call us today: 1-302-586-8665 or email.
Please forward these eLetters to Friends and Associates
ONE-CLICK REGISTER for your FREE, monthly 21st Century Wellness eLetter summarizing New eJournal articles and eGuide Chapters
Monday, September 6, 1999
As we said in the Part III, self-sufficiency will be the hallmark of the Year 2000 in most aspects of our lives, but especially healthcare. On or before January 1st, access to healthcare facilities and practitioners may be interrupted. This will be due to likely disruptions in the conventional healthcare system, or unknown infrastructure failures manufacturing, transportation or communications restricting access to all healthcare practitioners, supplies and services.
First Aid in any situation is often critical to the recovery of anyone suffering from a cut to a more serious condition. Fortunately, First Aid procedures and methods are straight-forward and not difficult to learn. The Red Cross as well as many schools, non-profit organizations and government agencies teach basic First Aid for shock, broken limbs, drowning, and many other conditions.
Complementary First Aid goes beyond basic First Aid to include remedies such as Acupressure, Aromatherapy and Herbology (see our eLetter archives), Bodywork and Reflexology (see our online eGuide). This issue features Homeopathy another exceptional healing system.
According to Homeopathy, A Step by Step Guide (© 1997, Element Books, Boston), Homeopathic Medicine (usually called Homeopathy),"is a natural system of medicine that uses specially prepared remedies to stimulate the immune system. Although some remedies are made from herbs, Homeopathy should not be confused with Herbology [see previous issue in the eLetter archives]. Herbal Remedies use material concentrations of plants, while Homeopathic Remedies use plants, minerals and even some animal products as a base. They are prepared through a process known as "potenization" to bring out their subtle [but powerful] healing properties."
"We know from modern physics that our seemingly solid bodies are dense fields of energy. A disturbance in this field can give rise to [illness and] disease, and a potent form of energy can rebalance us. Homeopathy uses "potentized" remedies to rebalance our body's subtle energy system. Once back in balance, our immune systems and all other interconnected systems in our bodies function better.
Homeopathy uses preparations containing highly diluted solutions of substances as strong as Belladonna or as innocuous as salt. Standard dilution is to 1 part substance (or previous dilution) to 99 parts of milk sugar or alcohol. This is then"succussed" shaken vigorously to release the healing potential in the substance. This process is repeated several times, the number of which identifies the potency of the remedy: 6, 10, 30. If the dilution is based on one part substance/dilution to nine, the potency is followed by an X. The majority of our first aid remedies below are 30X.
It's interesting that the greater the dilution, the higher the potency, and more than 100 years of experience has shown that the succussion process has yielded higher potency for the more-diluted remedies 30 potency is used for more serious conditions that 6 potency.
For more information, pick up the book referenced above and read our eGuide chapter on Homeopathy.
Notes (courtesy of Pua Dominick, Copyright © 1991, Reprinted with permission. Adapted by Susan Mallamo) a fuller set of notes can be found at our current eLetter page.
Information Sources/Suppliers
The Hylands "Kids' Kit" from Standard Homeopathic Company (SHC) is used as the model for this article, and the majority of the information comes from its Guide. The kit contains the seven Homeopathic remedies used in the First Aid list below, and retails for about $22-$23 from SHC and healthfood stores.
These remedies are equally applicable to adults and children. The symptoms listed are intentionally broadened to include children that may not be able to express themselves clearly.
The following list is representative of many of the conditions that Homeopathic Remedies effect very well. The format for this listing is:
Condition Remedy
Description symptoms and/or remedy
Abscesses Hepar Sulph. Calc.
Cold-type symptoms: croupy cough (loose, rattling, phlegmy); irritable; chilly; sweaty with sour order; constant nasal discharge becoming thick and yellow; sticking pains shoot into ears when swallowing; worse from drafts, cool air; better from warmth, covering head, eating. Hepar Sulph. Calc is a homeopathic workhorse; it works on many infectious conditions.
Take one 30X tablet in medium bottle of distilled water then sip every 15 minutes to 2 hours, depending on severity of condition; stop when improvement is noted.
Bleeding, injuries Arnica
Symptoms worse from light touch, heat or rest; better from lying down with head low.
Take one 30X tablet in medium bottle of distilled water then sip every 15 minutes to two hours, depending on severity of condition.
Blow Arnica
Symptoms worse from light touch, heat or rest; better from lying down with head low.
Take one 30X tablet in medium bottle of distilled water then sip every 15 minutes to two hours, depending on severity of condition.
Boils Hepar Sulph. Calc.
Cold-type symptoms: croupy cough (loose, rattling, phlegmy); irritable; chilly; sweaty with sour order; constant nasal discharge becoming thick and yellow; sticking pains shoot into ears when swallowing; worse from drafts, cool air; better from warmth, covering head, eating. Hepar Sulph. Calc is a homeopathic workhorse; it works on many infectious conditions.
Take one 30X tablet in medium bottle of distilled water then sip every 15 minutes to 2 hours, depending on severity of condition; stop when improvement is noted.
Bruise Arnica
Symptoms worse from light touch, heat or rest; better from lying down with head low.
Take one 30X tablet in medium bottle of distilled water then sip every 15 minutes to two hours, depending on severity of condition.
Burn: fire, sun, wind Calendula
Calendula is Wild Marigold extracted into a carrier.
Wash gently with mild soap and water; apply 22% Calendula extract or ointment gently to area; reapply periodically as skin heals.**
Do not apply substances that further dry skin and delay healing.
Cold Hepar Sulph. Calc.
Cold-type symptoms: croupy cough (loose, rattling, phlegmy); irritable; chilly; sweaty with sour order; constant nasal discharge becoming thick and yellow; sticking pains shoot into ears when swallowing; worse from drafts, cool air; better from warmth, covering head, eating. Hepar Sulph. Calc is a homeopathic workhorse; it works on many infectious conditions.
Take one 30X tablet in medium bottle of distilled water then sip every 15 minutes to 2 hours, depending on severity of condition; stop when improvement is noted.
Cold sores Hepar Sulph. Calc.
Cold-type symptoms: croupy cough (loose, rattling, phlegmy); irritable; chilly; sweaty with sour order; constant nasal discharge becoming thick and yellow; sticking pains shoot into ears when swallowing; worse from drafts, cool air; better from warmth, covering head, eating. Hepar Sulph. Calc is a homeopathic workhorse; it works on many infectious conditions.
Take one 30X tablet in medium bottle of distilled water then sip every 15 minutes to 2 hours, depending on severity of condition; stop when improvement is noted.
Colic Aconite
Symptoms generally sudden, after exposure to cold dry wind or a fright, may be in the early stages of an illness, and may include fearfulness, gas, intense thirst for cold water.
Take one 30X Aconite tablet in medium bottle of distilled water then sip every 15-30 minutes until condition improves.
Colic Belladonna
Symptoms generally sudden, perhaps violent; worse from noise, jarring, touch, bright light or pressure; better from standing or sitting erect. The entire face is red and hand remains hot from touching fevered face.
Take one 30X Belladonna tablet in medium bottle of distilled water then sip every 15 minutes to two hours, depending on severity of condition; less often as condition improves; stop when improvement is established.
Cough Aconite
Symptoms generally sudden, after exposure to cold dry wind or a fright, may be in the early stages of an illness, and may include fearfulness, gas, intense thirst for cold water.
Take one 30X Aconite tablet in medium bottle of distilled water then sip every 15-30 minutes until condition improves.
Cough Ferrum Phosphoricum
Symptoms are gradual onset; worse at night, from motion, on right side; better from touch, cold application; hard dry tickling cough with hoarseness and painful chest
Take one 30X tablet in medium bottle of distilled water then sip every 15 minutes to 30 minutes until improvement is noted.
Cough, croup Hepar Sulph. Calc.
Cold-type symptoms: croupy cough (loose, rattling, phlegmy); irritable; chilly; sweaty with sour order; constant nasal discharge becoming thick and yellow; sticking pains shoot into ears when swallowing; worse from drafts, cool air; better from warmth, covering head, eating. Hepar Sulph. Calc is a homeopathic workhorse; it works on many infectious conditions.
Take one 30X tablet in medium bottle of distilled water then sip every 15 minutes to 2 hours, depending on severity of condition; stop when improvement is noted.
Cut Calendula
Calendula is Wild Marigold extracted into a carrier.
If jagged, clean with mild soap and water; apply 22% Calendula extract or ointment to wound; bandage; dab with extract or ointment to keep it moist; if serious, take to healthcare professional.
Earache Belladonna
Symptoms generally sudden, perhaps violent; worse from noise, jarring, touch, bright light or pressure; better from standing or sitting erect. The entire face is red and hand remains hot from touching fevered face.
Take one 30X Belladonna tablet in medium bottle of distilled water then sip every 15 minutes to two hours, depending on severity of condition; less often as condition improves; stop when improvement is established.
Earache Chamomilla
Symptoms are anger, irritable, temperamental, perhaps wild with pain, greenish slimy stools, cold sweats; worse when moved.
Take one 30X Chamomilla tablet in medium bottle of distilled water then sip every 15 minutes until improvement is established.
Earache Ferrum Phosphoricum
Symptoms are gradual onset; worse at night, from motion, on right side; better from touch, cold application; bright red blood.
Take one 30X tablet in medium bottle of distilled water then sip every 15 minutes to 30 minutes until improvement is noted.
This article also appears separately in our eJournal Section see the "All Issues" Section
Eyes, black Arnica
Symptoms worse from light touch, heat or rest; better from lying down with head low.
Take one 30X tablet in medium bottle of distilled water then sip every 15 minutes to two hours, depending on severity of condition.
Fall Arnica
Symptoms worse from light touch, heat or rest; better from lying down with head low.
Take one 30X tablet in medium bottle of distilled water then sip every 15 minutes to two hours, depending on severity of condition.
Fever Chamomilla
Symptoms are anger, irritable, temperamental, perhaps wild with pain, greenish slimy stools, cold sweats; worse when moved.
Take one 30X Chamomilla tablet in medium bottle of distilled water then sip every 15 minutes until improvement is established.
Fever Ferrum Phosphoricum
Ferrum Phosphoricum is an early-on remedy; useful in the first stages of an illness when no clear symptoms for other remedies. Symptoms are gradual onset; worse at night, from motion, on right side; better from touch, cold application; pale but roses in cheeks.
Take one 30X tablet in medium bottle of distilled water then sip every 15 minutes to 30 minutes until improvement is noted.
Fever, sudden Aconite
Symptoms generally sudden, after exposure to cold dry wind or a fright, may be in the early stages of an illness, and may include fearfulness, gas, intense thirst for cold water.
Take one 30X Aconite tablet in medium bottle of distilled water then sip every 15-30 minutes until condition improves.
Fever, sudden Belladonna
Symptoms generally sudden, perhaps violent; worse from noise, jarring, touch, bright light or pressure; better from standing or sitting erect. The entire face is red and hand remains hot from touching fevered face.
Take one 30X Belladonna tablet in medium bottle of distilled water then sip every 15 minutes to two hours, depending on severity of condition; less often as condition improves; stop when improvement is established.
Headache Ferrum Phosphoricum
Symptoms are gradual onset; worse at night, from motion, on right side; better from touch, cold application; rapid soft pulse, restless.
Take one 30X tablet in medium bottle of distilled water then sip every 15 minutes to 30 minutes until improvement is noted.
Headache, throbbing Belladonna
Symptoms generally sudden, perhaps violent; worse from noise, jarring, touch, bright light or pressure; better from standing or sitting erect. The entire face is red and hand remains hot from touching fevered face.
Take one 30X Belladonna tablet in medium bottle of distilled water then sip every 15 minutes to two hours, depending on severity of condition; less often as condition improves; stop when improvement is established.
Hoarseness Aconite
Symptoms generally sudden, after exposure to cold dry wind or a fright, may be in the early stages of an illness, and may include fearfulness, gas, intense thirst for cold water.
Take one 30X Aconite tablet in medium bottle of distilled water then sip every 15-30 minutes until condition improves.
Hoarseness Hepar Sulph. Calc.
Cold-type symptoms: croupy cough (loose, rattling, phlegmy); irritable; chilly; sweaty with sour order; constant nasal discharge becoming thick and yellow; sticking pains shoot into ears when swallowing; worse from drafts, cool air; better from warmth, covering head, eating. Hepar Sulph. Calc is a homeopathic workhorse; it works on many infectious conditions.
Take one 30X tablet in medium bottle of distilled water then sip every 15 minutes to 2 hours, depending on severity of condition; stop when improvement is noted.
Muscles, sore Arnica
Symptoms worse from light touch, heat or rest; better from lying down with head low.
Take one 30X tablet in medium bottle of distilled water then sip every 15 minutes to two hours, depending on severity of condition.
Restlessness Aconite
Symptoms generally sudden, after exposure to cold dry wind or a fright, may be in the early stages of an illness, and may include fearfulness, gas, intense thirst for cold water.
Take one 30X Aconite tablet in medium bottle of distilled water then sip every 15-30 minutes until condition improves.
Surgery, post Arnica
Symptoms worse from light touch, heat or rest; better from lying down with head low.
Take one 30X tablet in medium bottle of distilled water then sip every 15 minutes to two hours, depending on severity of condition.
Teething Chamomilla
Symptoms are anger, irritable, temperamental, perhaps wild with pain, greenish slimy stools, cold sweats; worse when moved.
Take one 30X Chamomilla tablet in medium bottle of distilled water then sip every 15 minutes until improvement is established.
Temper Chamomilla
Symptoms are anger, irritable, temperamental, perhaps wild with pain, greenish slimy stools, cold sweats; worse when moved.
Take one 30X Chamomilla tablet in medium bottle of distilled water then sip every 15 minutes until improvement is established.
Throat, sore Belladonna
Symptoms generally sudden, perhaps violent; worse from noise, jarring, touch, bright light or pressure; better from standing or sitting erect. The entire face is red and hand remains hot from touching fevered face.
Take one 30X Belladonna tablet in medium bottle of distilled water then sip every 15 minutes to two hours, depending on severity of condition; less often as condition improves; stop when improvement is established.
Throat, sore Ferrum Phosphoricum
Symptoms are gradual onset; worse at night, from motion, on right side; better from touch, cold application; early stages of sore throat.
Take one 30X tablet in medium bottle of distilled water then sip every 15 minutes to 30 minutes until improvement is noted.
Throat, Sore Hepar Sulph. Calc.
Cold-type symptoms: croupy cough (loose, rattling, phlegmy); irritable; chilly; sweaty with sour order; constant nasal discharge becoming thick and yellow; sticking pains shoot into ears when swallowing; worse from drafts, cool air; better from warmth, covering head, eating. Hepar Sulph. Calc is a homeopathic workhorse; it works on many infectious conditions.
Take one 30X tablet in medium bottle of distilled water then sip every 15 minutes to 2 hours, depending on severity of condition; stop when improvement is noted.
Vomiting Chamomilla
Symptoms are anger, irritable, temperamental, perhaps wild with pain, greenish slimy stools, cold sweats; worse when moved.
Take one 30X Chamomilla tablet in medium bottle of distilled water then sip every 15 minutes until improvement is established.
Place a gallon jug full of potable water cleansed, tap, bottled, distilled or filtered water in full-spectrum light (such as the sun) for at least 30 minutes. The light will clean out most chemicals, pollutants and the germs found in our drinking water sources. It also adds energy and life to water that has been boiled, bombarded with chemicals yours or the water company's or sifted through previously-used filters.
Use several jars in a line, putting each newly filled jar at the end of the line, furthest away from the light source. Artificial full-spectrum light sources should be no more than 12 inches away from the water jar.
A full-spectrum light duplicates the light spectrum of the sun and look like florescent light tubes and bulbs and start at less than $40. They can be purchased at most enlightened hardware and health stores as well as Ott-Lite at (800)842-8848. They also make excellent "grow" lights indoor plants, such as house plants, herbs and vegetables.
Source: Live Better Longer, by Joseph Dispenza, HarperCollins, New York, Copyright © 1997, Reprinted with Permission.
A full Parcells article also appears in the August 30, 1999 eJournal
One Inexpensive and Simple Water Purification SystemBuy a replacement Super Stearasy "ceramic candle" the water purifying element for a British Berkfeld water purifier for $27.50 from a local dealer. Get a five-gallon plastic bucket and drill a 1/2" hole in the center. The base of the ceramic candle goes through this hole and is secured on the other side with its own supplied butterfly nut. Fill with water, and it will drip out pure water at about one quart per hour. The element has silver in it and is designed to take out all biological contaminants. Put a second five-gallon bucket under the first. In this bucket, set a one-gallon wide mouth jar the top bucket rests on this jar.
Sources: Chet Day originally from Gary North:
If you know of other in-home or field water treatment systems that work well for you, please drop us a line.
NewsNews report summaries on Healthcare and Y2K follow. We have most of the articles on file in case you look for the web references after they are cleared.
"Medical Bills May Face Y2K Problems," August 6, 1999, by Alice Ann Love, Associated Press. This article recommends keeping copies of your prescriptions, bills, claims and payments near the end of the year, and reports that the American Medical Association (AMA) recommends filling prescriptions early and asking your providers about their Y2K preparations. 28% of the healthcare providers failed the Medicare claims tests conducted before June 21st, according to the US Congress General Accounting Office (GAO) report on July 28th. The GAO is also critical of AMA's and other industry reports that claim that the healthcare system will be Y2K ready because they used insufficient information to assess the real status of the industry. As an example of the eleven medical surveys and nine surveys by related industries that the GAO reviewed none of which were independently verified an AMA survey received only 7% response and has extrapolated the results to indicate that 94% of the physicians will be ready before the end of the year. More evidence that Y2K"happy talk" is prevalent and that you should prepare for self-sufficiency ...
Ginkgo a Real Mind Booster, July 28, 1999, by Pat Kendall, PhD, RD, Colorado State University Cooperative Extension, Ft Collins. To maintain top mental abilities as we move into more stressful times, whether you are 25 or 75, Ginkgo will help. Of the many supplements touting mental sharpness, Dr Kendall says that Ginkgo biloba is one of the few that can back up their claims. Recent studies on Alzheimer's disease or dementia have led some to project Ginkgo's effectiveness to general mental function. See the full article on this superior resource for more details.
Vitamin C Increase In Humans Urged August 24, 1999 (Associate Press via InteliHealth Professional Connect). Research at the University of Alabama Huntsville has confirmed that megadoses of vitamin C reduced the effects of stress in rats and apparently can help boost the production of an illness-fighting antibody, says the chairman of the Biological Sciences Department. Stress which we will experience more as the year closes suppresses the immune system, and Campbell found that megadoses of vitamin C increased the levels of an antibody which fights against germs and viruses, though less in stressed rats. In light of the findings, health agencies should consider increasing the recommended dose of the vitamin in humans, now based on the amount needed to prevent scurvy and anemia from 60 milligrams per day to much more. Since more than 1000 milligrams (one gram) a day may cause nausea, stomach cramps, diarrhea and, occasionally, kidney stones, you should work up to megadoses slowly and consult with your healthcare practitioner.
Warm Feet, Better Sleep, InteliHealth's This Week in Health, September 3, 1999 (requires registration). "Having trouble nodding off at night? Put on an extra pair of socks. Swiss researchers say that the temperature of your feet and hands are the best indicators of how quickly you'll fall asleep more accurate than factors such as light or melatonin levels. The researchers, whose findings were published in the journal Nature, monitored the heart rates of their subjects and the temperature of various parts of their bodies in an effort to correlate various factors with the speed at which the subjects fell asleep. They found that warm hands and feet were most closely linked with rapid sleep onset." Best to stock up on socks or other warmers to get a good night's sleep in case the power goes off.
Announcements (Send press releases to Kenton H Johnson)Well Being Journal Now Online. The Well Being Journal is a superior bi-monthly publication bringing you quality information on natural, alternative and complementary medicine, to help you to live well and heal yourself. The site and the $18/year printed journal is aptly subtitled "Heralding the Integration of Natural Medicine with the Art and Science of Modern Medicine." Cruise the site and pick up the journal at your healthfood market, or call (888)532-3117 to subscribe. If you have health info to share short or extensive the Publisher/Editor Scott Miners.
Complementary Healthcare for Year 2000, Central/Mountain US, November. An international conference is being planned to be held in the Denver Metro Colorado area in November versus October as reported last issue. Please email your suggestions for topics as well as preferred weekends in November, including any potential conflicts with other national/international healthcare and Y2K conferences.
Please forward these eLetters to Friends and Associates
ONE-CLICK REGISTER for your FREE, monthly 21st Century Wellness eLetter summarizing New eJournal articles and eGuide Chapters
Monday, August 23, 1999
As we said in the Part II, self-sufficiency will be the hallmark of the Year 2000 in most aspects of our lives, but especially healthcare. On or before January 1st, access to healthcare facilities and practitioners may be interrupted. This will be due to likely disruptions in the conventional healthcare system, or lower-probability infrastructure failures transportation or communications restricting access to all healthcare practitioners, supplies and services.
Complementary First Aid goes beyond basic First Aid to include remedies such as Acupressure and Aromatherapy (see our archives), Bodywork, Herbology, Homeopathy and Reflexology (see our online book). This issue features Herbology another exceptional healing system that goes well beyond Echinacea. KJ
Herbology has been used since primitive man first observed animals eating certain plants when not feeling well. Trial and error testing, and now scientific research, have refined herbal medicine into a significant part of complementary healthcare. Herbs are the basis of most drugs, which are often synthetic forms of the herbs. Throughout recorded history, herbs have played a strong part in healing and healthcare. With minimal side-effects and powerful results, herbal medicines can be a strong part of your wellness program, including first aid for you and your family.
The following list is representative of the many conditions that herbs effect and the many herbal medicines that can be very effective.
Some notes are in order to set the stage properly (source shown in parenthesis):
Information Sources/Suppliers (Reference Abbreviations in parenthesis)
The format for this listing is:
Condition Remedy (Information Source)
Adult Remedy Application
Examples of Conditions and Herbal Remedies follow.
The complete list in a separate article at our eJournal site check Current Article first.
Abrasions Echinacea (RMC)
Wash well, apply Echinacea drops to area.
Those allergic to pollen of other members of the aster family, such as ragweed, may also be allergic to Echinacea. May not be appropriate if you have an impaired immune system response, including tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis and HIV infection.
Anxiety, tension A combination of: Passion Flower, Valerian Rhizome (JFH)
May use the herbs individually, though not as effective. Take 1-3 ml tincture of Passion Flower and Valerian Rhizome 3x/day in water. May mix with a little Ginger to protect stomach.
Valerian normally smells like dirty socks. Do not use this formula with any other sleeping medication. Do not use in pregnancy (Passion Flower is a uterine stimulant). Both are medium-strength herbs. If used continuously on own, take a few day's break every 2 weeks. May cause nausea/vomiting.
Bite, insect Echinacea, Aloe Vera, Tea Tree, Plantain
Pull stinger out with tweezers; apply available pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory remedy, such as a split raw Aloe Vera leaf, few drops Tea Tree oil, chewed/mashed Plantain; bandage; 30 drops Echinacea under tongue.
Bite, insect, poisonous Echinacea
Follow non-poisonous application; 30 drops Echinacea under tongue, every 15 minutes for 4-8 hours.
Bladder infection (cystitis) Yarrow Herb (JFH)
Take 2-4 ml tincture of Yarrow Herb stem and flowers; take 3x/day in a little water. Or make a tea with 1-2 tsp of dried herb; steep in just boiled water 10-15 minutes; strain; drink 3 cups or more a day.
Bleeding, passive: nose bleeds, blood in stools or urine Yarrow Herb (JFH)
Take 2-4 ml tincture of Yarrow Herb stem and flowers; take 3x/day in a little water. Or make a tea with 1-2 tsp of dried herb; steep in just boiled water 10-15 minutes; strain; drink 3 cups or more a day.
Bleeding, heavy Cayenne (RMC)
Drink 10 drops Cayenne diluted in 2 oz water; apply a few drops of extract to bleeding area.
Bronchitis Licorice (JFH)
Take 1-3 ml tincture of Licorice root 3x/day in a little water. Or make a tea of 1 tsp dried Licorice root to 1 cup water; boil then simmer 10-15 min; strain; drink 3 cups daily.
May cause reversible high blood pressure, potassium loss, and sodium and water retention IF taken regularly (more that 3 grams a day for more than 6 weeks). This is unlikely when taken in recommended dosage. To be on safe side, do not use in cases of high blood pressure renal failure or current use of digitalis preparations.
Bruise Arnica (RMC)
Apply Arnica immediately and continue every couple of hours the first day.
Burn: fire, sun, wind Echinacea, Aloe Vera, Plantain
Echinacea to cool; split Aloe Vera leaf or chewed/mashed Plantain often if second degree.
Cold, flu Astragalus (SF)
Make tea with 1-5 tsp Astragalus root in one cup hot water; take three times daily. Chinese tradition is to take the large dosage and simmer for several hours.
Cold, flu Echinacea (JFH)
Take 2-4 ml tincture of Echinacea root every 2 hours for acute condition. Or for long term use, take 2-4 ml, 3x/day. Take tincture in a little water for better absorption. Use for 6 weeks on, 1 week off and repeat if necessary.
Do not use as a long term immune enhancer; there are better herbs for this such as Ginseng root, Astragalus root or Reishi mushroom. If nausea occurs, mix with a little Ginger or Peppermint or discontinue.
Constipation Cascara segrada (SF)
Take 10 drops (1ml) of fluid extract.
Follow label instructions. Only use aged bark. For chronic constipation, see your healthcare professional to avoid laxative dependency.
Cough Licorice (JFH)
Take 1-3 ml tincture of Licorice root 3x/day in a little water. Or make a tea of 1 tsp dried Licorice root to 1 cup water; boil then simmer 10-15 min; strain; drink 3 cups daily.
May cause reversible high blood pressure, potassium loss, and sodium and water retention IF taken regularly (more that 3 grams a day for more than 6 weeks). This is unlikely when taken in recommended dosage. To be on safe side, do not use in cases of high blood pressure renal failure or current use of digitalis preparations.
Cough, wheezing A combination of: Passion Flower, Valerian Rhizome (JFH)
May use the herbs individually, though not as effective. Take 1-3 ml tincture of Passion Flower and Valerian Rhizome 3x/day in water. May mix with a little Ginger to protect stomach.
Valerian normally smells like dirty socks. Do not use this formula with any other sleeping medication. Do not use in pregnancy (Passion Flower is a uterine stimulant). Both are medium-strength herbs. If used continuously on own, take a few day's break every 2 weeks. May cause nausea/vomiting.
Cut Calendula (SM)
If jagged, vlean with mild soap and water; apply 22% Calendula extract or ointment to wound; bandage; dab with extract or ointment to keep it moist; if serious, take to healthcare professional.
See Homeopathy hints in Notes.
Depression, mild to moderate St John's wort (JFH)
Take 1-4 ml tincture of St John's wort 3x/day in a little water with food. Or make an infusion (tea) 2 tsp dried herb to 1 cup boiling water; steep 10 to 15 minutes and strain; drink 1 cup 3x/day.
May cause mild gastric upset. Possible sensitivity to sun and other UV light in fair-haired individuals. Avoid exposure to strong sunlight if using doses beyond those stated for long periods of time. Do not take with them if on Prozac, Zoloft or other anti-depressants, wean off slowly as you gradually increase your intake of St John's wort. May take 3-4 weeks to have an effect.
Diarrhea Meadowsweet, Agrimony, Red Raspberry (BF)
Make a tea with any or all of herbs Meadowsweet, Agrimony or Red Raspberry leaf; place 3 tsp of dried herbs in 2 cups of boiling water. Steep for 15 minutes, strain and sip a cup every hour or until digestion is normal; sweeten with honey; can add ginger; drink lots of water (herbal teas are good for this). Two tablespoons of carob powder stirred into 1 cup of applesauce (pectin) or potato peel broth will help solidify stools.
Diarrhea in children under three can be serious children dehydrate consult your healthcare practitioner if diarrhea lasts more than a day.
Diarrhea Quassia (RMC)
Take 3-5 dropperfuls of Quassia every 6 hours.
Earache Garlic (BF)
Macerate garlic in olive oil to make an ear oil. Or gently heat 1/8 cup olive oil; add 3 crushed garlic cloves; strain; add 2 tbsp St John's wort oil.
Refrigerate and even then, discard after 3-4 days.
Earache Tea Tree Oil (RMC)
Dilute Tea Tree Oil 1-2 times w/ vegetable oil and insert 3-6 drops in ear.
Feet, sore Arnica (RMC)
Massage with Arnica immediately and continue every couple of hours the first day.
Fever Echinacea (RMC)
60-100 drops Echinacea every hour.
Fever Yarrow Herb (JFH)
Take 2-4 ml tincture of Yarrow Herb stem and flowers; take 3x/day in a little water. Or make a tea with 1-2 tsp of dried herb; steep in just boiled water 10-15 minutes; strain; drink 3 cups or more a day.; combine with ginger, cayenne or peppermint to cause sweating.
Fingers or toes, crushed Arnica (RMC)
Apply Arnica freely if skin not broken; dilute to drink every 15 minutes until pain and shock subside.
Frostbite Cayenne (RMC)
5-10 drops Cayenne diluted in 2 oz water.
Gastritis, chronic Ginger (JFH)
Take 2 ml tincture of Ginger Rhizome 3x/day in a little water. Or use fresh ginger root; grate 1 tbsp and steep in a tea for 20 minutes and strain.
Do not use if fever is present.
Headache Echinacea, Valerian (RMC)
30 drops Echinacea; 30-45 drops Valerian.
Immune system Osha Root (RMC)
Chew Osha Root as a strengthener.
Immune system, depressed Echinacea (JFH)
Take 2-4 ml tincture of Echinacea root every 2 hours for acute condition. Or for long term use, take 2-4 ml, 3x/day. Take tincture in a little water for better absorption. Use for 6 weeks on, 1 week off and repeat if necessary.
Do not use as a long term immune enhancer; there are better herbs for this such as Ginseng root, Astragalus root or Reishi mushroom. If nausea occurs, mix with a little Ginger or Peppermint or discontinue.
Indigestion, nausea, Chamomile (SF)
Make tea of 1/2-1 tsp of dried Chamomile flower per cup hot water; drink one cup 3-4 times daily. Or take 10-40 drops Chamomile tincture three times daily.
Those allergic to pollen of other members of the aster family, such as ragweed, may also be allergic to Chamomile.
Infection Garlic (.JFH)
Crush raw cloves; eat or swallow 3 cloves. For acute conditions, eat up to 8 cloves a day. Or make tincture of 1/2 to 2 ml garlic bulb; take 3x/day in water.
For best effects, make sure allicin is not removed. Commercial product should have 4,000 micrograms of allicin per daily dose. This is equal to 1 clove of fresh garlic.
Infection, bacterial and viral Echinacea (JFH)
Take 2-4 ml tincture of Echinacea root every 2 hours for acute condition. Or for long term use, take 2-4 ml, 3x/day. Take tincture in a little water for better absorption. Use for 6 weeks on, 1 week off and repeat if necessary.
Do not use as a long term immune enhancer; there are better herbs for this such as Ginseng root, Astragalus root or Reishi mushroom. If nausea occurs, mix with a little Ginger or Peppermint or discontinue.
The complete list is in a separate article at our eJournal site see the "All Issues" Section.
Infection, minor Astragalus (SF)
Make tea with 1-5 tsp Astragalus root in one cup hot water; take three times daily. Chinese tradition is to take the large dosage and simmer for several hours.
Insect repellent Tea Tree Oil (RMC)
Use Tea Tree Oil sparingly.
Insomnia A combination of: Passion Flower, Valerian Rhizome (JFH)
May use the herbs individually, though not as effective. Take 1-3 ml tincture of Passion Flower and Valerian Rhizome 3x/day in water. May mix with a little Ginger to protect stomach.
Valerian normally smells like dirty socks. Do not use this formula with any other sleeping medication. Do not use in pregnancy (Passion Flower is a uterine stimulant). Both are medium-strength herbs. If used continuously on own, take a few day's break every 2 weeks. May cause nausea/vomiting.
Insomnia Chamomile (SF)
Make tea of 1/2-1 tsp of dried Chamomile flower per cup hot water; drink one cup 3-4 times daily. Or take 10-40 drops Chamomile tincture three times daily.
Those allergic to pollen of other members of the aster family, such as ragweed, may also be allergic to Chamomile.
Ligaments, torn Arnica, Valerian (RMC)
Massage with Arnica immediately and continue every couple of hours the first day; take Valerian.
Morning sickness, in normal pregnancies Ginger (JFH)
Take 2 ml tincture of Ginger Rhizome 3x/day in a little water. Or use fresh ginger root; grate 1 tbsp and steep in a tea for 20 minutes and strain.
Do not use if fever is present.
Muscle spasms A combination of: Passion Flower, Valerian Rhizome (JFH)
May use the herbs individually, though not as effective. Take 1-3 ml tincture of Passion Flower and Valerian Rhizome 3x/day in water. May mix with a little Ginger to protect stomach.
Valerian normally smells like dirty socks. Do not use this formula with any other sleeping medication. Do not use in pregnancy (Passion Flower is a uterine stimulant). Both are medium-strength herbs. If used continuously on own, take a few day's break every 2 weeks. May cause nausea/vomiting.
Muscle, cramps, sore Arnica (RMC)
Massage Arnica in immediately and continue every couple of hours the first day.
Nausea Ginger (BF)
Grate one teaspoon fresh Ginger into 8 oz boiling water, simmering 10 minutes then strain; sip throughout day.. Or combine two 500 mg capsules Ginger;.
Nose, bleeding Cayenne (RMC)
Insert tampon into nostril; 5-10 drops Cayenne diluted in water. Or tilt head back and pinch nostrils.
Pain A combination of: Passion Flower, Valerian Rhizome (JFH)
May use the herbs individually, though not as effective. Take 1-3 ml tincture of Passion Flower and Valerian Rhizome 3x/day in water. May mix with a little Ginger to protect stomach.
Valerian normally smells like dirty socks. Do not use this formula with any other sleeping medication. Do not use in pregnancy (Passion Flower is a uterine stimulant). Both are medium-strength herbs. If used continuously on own, take a few day's break every 2 weeks. May cause nausea/vomiting.
Pain Arnica, Valerian (RMC)
Apply Arnica immediately and continue every couple of hours the first day; take 30-60 drops Valerian.
Pain Cayenne (SF)
Use freely as a spice. Make tea with 1/2-1 tsp powdered Cayenne fruit in cup of water.
Cayenne's pungent principle, capsaicin, is not water soluble and is a highly toxic irritant, so it is difficult to wash off and may cause burning skin irritation. Use under healthcare professional's direction.
PMS Licorice (JFH)
Take 1-3 ml tincture of Licorice root 3x/day in a little water. Or make a tea of 1 tsp dried Licorice root to 1 cup water; boil then simmer 10-15 min; strain; drink 3 cups daily.
May cause reversible high blood pressure, potassium loss, and sodium and water retention IF taken regularly (more that 3 grams a day for more than 6 weeks). This is unlikely when taken in recommended dosage. To be on safe side, do not use in cases of high blood pressure renal failure or current use of digitalis preparations.
PMS, menopause, menstrual bleeding, heavy Yarrow Herb (JFH)
Take 2-4 ml tincture of Yarrow Herb stem and flowers; take 3x/day in a little water. Or make a tea with 1-2 tsp of dried herb; steep in just boiled water 10-15 minutes; strain; drink 3 cups or more a day.
Poisoning, food Ipecac Syrup, Echinacea (RMC)
Take Ipecac Syrup to vomit; 30 drops Echinacea as often as needed; take 2 Slippery Elm capsules to absorb toxins.
Scratches Calendula (SM)
Wash gently with mild soap and water; apply 22% Calendula extract or ointment on dressing to wound; bandage; dab with extract or ointment to keep it moist.
Do not apply substances such as iodine which burn skin and delay healing. See Homeopathic Medicine hints in Notes.
Shock Cayenne (RMC)
Put Cayenne under tongue until relieved.
Skin infections, fugal Tea Tree Oil (RMC)
Apply Tea Tree oil full-strength or diluted w/ vegetable oil to skin surface.
Sprains, Strains Arnica, Valerian (RMC)
Massage with Arnica immediately and continue every couple of hours the first day; take Valerian.
Stomach upset Ginger, Slippery Elm (JFH, RMC)
Take 2 ml tincture of Ginger Rhizome 3x/day in a little water. Or use fresh Ginger root; grate 1 tbsp and steep in a tea for 20 minutes and strain. Or Take 2 Slippery Elm capsules.
Do not use if fever is present.
Swelling Arnica (RMC)
Apply Arnica immediately and continue every couple of hours the first day.
Teething pain Osha Root (RMC)
Chew Osha Root.
Throat, sore Osha Root (RMC)
Chew Osha Root.
Toothache Echinacea, Valerian, Osha Root (RMC)
Massage sore gums/tooth w/ Echinacea; 30 drops Valerian; chew Osha Root.
Trauma Cayenne (RMC)
Put Cayenne under tongue until relieved.
Ulcers Licorice (JFH)
Take 1-3 ml tincture of Licorice root 3x/day in a little water. Or make a tea of 1 tsp dried Licorice root to 1 cup water; boil then simmer 10-15 min; strain; drink 3 cups daily.
May cause reversible high blood pressure, potassium loss, and sodium and water retention IF taken regularly (more that 3 grams a day for more than 6 weeks). . This is unlikely when taken in recommended dosage. To be on safe side, do not use in cases of high blood pressure renal failure or current use of digitalis preparations.
The Parcells Oxygen Soak can revive foods, remove pesticides, toxins, chemicals, and fungi and bacteria from food, as well as help preserve food in your refrigerator for much longer. Around the world, it is the essential means of sanitizing food in out-of-the-way places. Foods include:
The benefits of this oxygen food treatment are:
Add 1 teaspoon of Clorox® bleach to 1 gallon of water. Separate foods into the following groups and soak for indicated time (make a fresh soak for each group):
Frozen meats/poultry/fish except ground meats will not lose any juices in the soak, and they can remain in the soak until thawed.
After the soak, place food in a fresh water rinse for 5-10 minutes. The fresh water introduces new oxygen into the food. Let the food drain well before refrigerating.
*Cautions: Do not use more bleach than recommended and do not soak longer than times given.
In the 1950s at Sierra States University in California, Hazel Parcells, ND conducted an experiment with shriveled, discolored lemons meant for the compost pile. She placed them into a sink full of water into which she put a small amount of bleach. Within one-half hour the lemons had taken on a fresh appearance and the room smelled of fragrant lemon. Parcells portioned them out and placed them in a freezer. For the next three years they were tested for freshness and nutritional value in every class she taught. Through the third year they retained their freshness, moisture, tartness and rivaled the fresh lemons even in nutritional value.
The sodium hypochlorite the only chlorine part of "chlorine" bleach is an oxygenator and interacts with the natural chemicals in the lemons originally used by Dr. Parcells. Testing showed that the bleach actually cleaned the lemons, eliminating fungi, bacteria and other foreign material on them that might have contributed to earlier than normal deterioration.
Parcells found that Clorox bleach worked the best of all bleaches because of the manufacturer's high quality procedures and filtration. She spent the next few years experimenting and refining her methods with different foods. She used the bleach soak for forty years, with nary a complaint, and lived to be 104 years, passing in 1996.
The Parcells Oxygen Soak is registered with the Smithsonian Institution under "Simplified Kitchen Chemistry," and is used around the world with great success, having been adopted by health departments of many governments.
You can find out more about the late Hazel Parcells, see her center's site: www.ParcellsCenter.com.
Source: Live Better Longer, by Joseph Dispenza, HarperCollins, New York, Copyright © 1997, Reprinted with Permission, via Well Being Journal, North Bend WA, Nov/Dec 1998.
The Parcells article also appears on the eJournal site see the "All Issues" Section
NewsNews report summaries on Healthcare and Y2K follow. We have most of the articles on file in case you look for the web references after they are cleared.
Lunch Bites from"Lunch Bites," John Hopkins' InteliHealth Health News."To make eating healthfully, ... [stock your ] refrigerator with cartons of yogurt, fresh fruit, salad fixings, and low-fat dressings. With these foods ready to go, all you have to worry about is [your main entre]." To keep your fruits and vegetables as long as possible at home, the office or in your car cooler, use the Parcells Oxygen Soak described above.
The Drug Industry Cautions Against Stockpiling (Reuters paid registration required)."[The drug] industry is grappling with the possibility that panicky consumers could cause shortages of products as the Year 2000 nears. The Pharmaceutical Alliance for Y2K Readiness, a consortium of trade organizations, will launch a website this month providing Y2K information for consumers and advising against stockpiling. 'If everyone were to get an extra [month's worth of medications], it would throw [the system] out of whack,' said Mark Grayson, spokesman for the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), which is also part of the alliance. A spokeswoman for AmeriSource Health Corp., the fourth-largest US wholesale pharmaceutical distributor, said that the company expects pharmacies to obtain about an extra week's worth of stock near the end of the year and has started to build its own inventory in preparation."
Agreed, however, stockpiling a month's medications is what many preparedness groups and lists are recommending, but will not really be possible due to insurance, conventional medical system restrictions, as well as available supplies. Therefore, we have to look at complementary medicinals and methods to supplement or replace conventional medications and treatments. We need to start now, working in conjunction with our primary healthcare practitioners. KJ
Announcements (Send press releases to Kenton H Johnson)Bringing yourself to peak wellness is very important to meet the challenges of 2000. A couple of the opportunities follow more to come.
Complementary Healthcare for Year 2000, Central/Mountain US, October. An international conference is being planned to be held in a mid-North American city with an international airport and an active populace (such as we have in Denver Metro). JP Thomas of www.Y2Kids.net, in Massachusetts, is a successful conference organizer and is collaborating with us. Please email your suggestions as well as preferred weekends in October, including any conferences already planned.
Parcells Healing Weekend, Albuquerque NM, October 22-24. Ten lucky students will learn the powerful healing techniques of Dr Hazel Parcells for only $395 (plus your travel expenses). Learn new ways of looking at chronic health issues, evaluating supplements, dealing with environmental pollutants, and much more. Email Terry Kast of the Parcells Center or call (505)293-3771.
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Monday, August 9, 1999
Self-sufficiency will be the hallmark of the Year 2000 (Y2K for short), in most aspects of our lives, but especially healthcare. Beginning on January 1st, access to healthcare facilities and practitioners may be interrupted. This will be due to likely disruptions in the conventional healthcare system, or low-probability infrastructure failures transportation or communications restricting access to all healthcare practitioners, supplies and services.
First Aid in any situation is often critical to the recovery of anyone suffering from a cut to a more serious condition. Fortunately, First Aid procedures and methods are straight-forward and not difficult to learn. The Red Cross as well as many schools, non-profits and agencies teach basic First Aid for shock, broken limbs, drowning, and many other conditions.
Complementary First Aid goes beyond basic First Aid to include remedies such as Acupressure (see the last issue in our archives), Aromatherapy, Bodywork, Herbology, Homeopathy and Reflexology. This issue features Aromatherapy an exceptional healing system that goes well beyond pleasant smells. KJ
Aromatherapy is a gentle, non-toxic, pleasant, yet powerful tool for healing. It is based on the topical application of botanical oils essential oils extracted from flowers, grass, barks and herbs. Aromatherapy essential oils were first used in medicinal healing work. These oils can be applied to the Reflexology points on the bottom of the feet or directly on the skin to the area of need.
Essential oils contain oxygenating molecules which transport nutrients to the cells of the body. The highly-fragrant oils affect the neurotransmitters in the brain through one's sense of smell. These neurotransmitters initiate physical and psychological reactions that can enhance physical healing and emotional balance. When combined with Bodywork modalities, Aromatherapy oils accelerates the therapeutic value of both.
The following list is representative of the many conditions that Aromatherapy effects and the many essential oils that can be very effective. Some notes are in order to set the stage properly.
This is excerpted from "Aromatherapy for First Aid," online in our Wellness eJournal
Aromatherapy Notes (Please read First)
The format for this listing follows:
Condition Remedy (Essential Oil unless otherwise indicated)
Comments and cautions
Abrasions Lavender
Clean area with 5 drops of Lavender oil diluted in bowl of warm water. Use sparingly for acute situations.
Backache, low Chamomile, Rosemary, Peppermint
Add 2 drops Chamomile, Rosemary and Peppermint oils to 2 cups of water; add to a compress; apply to lower back; hold in place with plastic wrap.
Anti-inflammatory and analgesic oils can be used with a compress or as a massage oil.
Bite, insect Lavender, Tea Tree; in Witch Hazel
Applied Lavender and/or Tea Tree oils full-strength or with Witch Hazel as a carrier.
Bruise Peppermint Oil
Apply Peppermint oil immediately and continue every couple of hours the first day.
Burn, fire Lavender, Calendula
Apply ice cold water for five minutes, then apply 2 drops full-strength Lavender oil; re-apply as needed. Can also make a compress with honey or Calendula oil as a carrier.
Calendula is Wild Marigold extracted into a carrier.
Cold Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, Thyme, Clove
For steam inhalation, use 1 drop each Tea Tree, Thyme, Clove and Eucalyptus oils in hot water. Or in bath, use 2 drops Thyme and Tea Tree, 1 drop Eucalyptus.
Cut Geranium, Cistus (Rock Rose)
For small cuts, apply few drops of Geranium or Rock Rose, apply pressure for one minute, apply bandaide.
Has good homeostatic properties.
Flu Geranium, Tea Tree, Atlas Cedarwood
Mix 2 drops each Geranium and Tea Tree oils in 1/2 cup water; gargle; if mucus present, add 2 drops Atlas Cedarwood, oil.
Foot ache Rosemary, Sage, Peppermint
Add approx 5 total drops of Rosemary, Peppermint or Sage oils in a footbath of tepid water.
Cooling, deodorizing and refreshing oils are pleasant to use as a foot bath.
Headache Lavender, Sweet Marjoram, Roman Chamomile, Peppermint
Inhale Lavender, Sweet Marjoram, Roman Chamomile and Peppermint oils from bottle or tissue. Or add 12-15 drops each of the oils per 1 oz carrier oil,; massage gently over temples, behind ears, across the back of the neck. Or bathe with 3 drops each Sweet Marjoram, Roman Chamomile and Lavender oils.
Insect repellent, general Citronella, Cedarwood, Geranium, Lemongrass
To 1 oz vegetable oil, add 3 drops each Citronella, Cedarwood and Geranium and 5 drops Lemongrass oils; apply to skin avoiding eyes; wash hands.
Citronella is a well known active ingredient in bug repellents though can be overpowering if used in strong concentration.
Lice, head Eucalyptus, Lavender, Geranium, Rosemary
Add 2 drops Eucalyptus and 1 drop each Geranium, Lavender and Rosemary oils to 1 tsp (5 ml.) carrier oil; massage into the scalp, leave for 30 min; comb hair with fine tooth comb; shampoo hair, combine 2 drops each Eucalyptus, Lavender and Geranium oils, 1/2 oz vinegar, and 8 oz water; rinse and do not wash out; repeat daily until lice and eggs have disappeared.
Essential oils are useful as an insect repellent when used in an environmental mist, or topical application.
Migraine True Melissa, Rosemary, Sweet Marjoram, Roman Chamomile, Lavender
Inhale True Melissa and Rosemary oils from bottle or tissue. Or add 12-15 drops each of the oils per 1 oz carrier oil; massage gently over temples, behind ears, across the back of the neck. Or bathe with 3 drops each Sweet Marjoram, Roman Chamomile and Lavender oils.
Muscle, skeletal pain Birch, Black Pepper, Chamomile, Clove, Helichrysum, Peppermint
Make a blend for massage with a total of 20 drops in one ounce of carrier. Use a total of 10 drops in half a cup of Epsom Salts in a relaxing bath.
Can use fewer drops of spice oils and oils with a strong odor intensity (Birch, Black Pepper, and Clove).
Sinus congestion Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Lavender
Inhale Eucalyptus, Peppermint and Lavender oils from bottle or tissue. Or add 15-20 total drops of the above oils per 1 oz carrier oil; massage gently over temples, over the sinuses and around the ears.
Be careful not to get into eyes.
Sinusitis Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Thyme
Inhale Eucalyptus, Peppermint and Thyme from bottle or tissue. Or add 12-15 drops per 1 oz carrier oil each of oils; massage gently over temples, behind and in front of the ears, over the nose and cheek bone.
Toothache Clove, Chamomile, Lavender
Put 1 drop of Clove oil on a Q-tip and apply it to the gum around the tooth. Massage the jaw bone and cheek area with 1 tsp vegetable oil with 1 drop Clove, Chamomile and Lavender oils.
Analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of Clove, Chamomile and Lavender are useful for first aid care of toothache.
Trauma, with local swelling Chamomile, Geranium, Lavender, Peppermint, Helichrysum, Birch
Apply German or Roman Chamomile, Geranium, Lavender, Peppermint and Helichrysum oils as a compress or massage oils in a carrier, approximately 30 drops per ounce (5%). Birch oil will aid comfort from pain.
Decreases swelling.
Laraine Kyle, MSN, RN, CMT is the Co-Director of the Institute of Integrative Aromatherapy, which offers practical, proven methods to safely and skillfully incorporate Aromatherapy, Herbal Healing and Bio-Energetics into a professional practice as well as self care. She also maintains a private practice in Aromatherapy Massage and Skin Care. Contact: Laraine Kyle, RN, MSN, CS, CMT, Co-Founder, IIA, 3072 Edison Court, Boulder CO 80302, (888)282-2002.
Individual Preparedness ResourcesLast week, we "put out the call" to all our Y2K and Health group lists for the top resources for individual preparedness nitty-gritty details. The top-rated resources in our unscientific poll follow. For books, visit your favorite bookseller on the net or at home.
Plans and Lists
Books (See www.Amazon.com for references below)
News report summaries on Healthcare and Y2K follow. We have most of the articles on file in case you look for the web references after they are cleared.
FDA Changing the Rules. Citizens For Health, a hard-working consumer advocacy group, may have to sue the FDA if it insists on its proposed new official definition changing from "damage" to any "deviation" from normal structure or function of the body, including any signs or symptoms of deviation. Literal interpretation of these proposed changes would mean that a majority of the proper and lawful claims that now appear on supplement labels would become illegal. The FDA's responsibility is to implement regulations that advance, not diminish the intent of Congress to deliver what the public has demanded information about the health benefits of dietary supplements.
The evidence continues to point towards healthcare self-sufficiency for Year 2000 ...
White House Sounds Alarm: Schools, Hospitals, Local Governments Falling Behind (US State Department's recent testimony on Y2K"Global Readiness and International Trade" states that every sector of every foreign region, at every economic level will experience varying degrees of Y2K-related failures ... among seven of the least prepared countries are six of the most populous: China, India, Indonesia, Brazil, Russia and Pakistan. These countries produce much of the 80% of the pharmaceuticals' raw materials that we us in the US. (Remember that only 20% of non-conventional medicinals are from foreign sources.)
(The Associated Press) President's Council on Y2K predicts months of glitches, says John Koskinen, its Chairman. He anticipates scattered electronic failures during the first months of the year. (This further exacerbates the hospital and pharmaceutical problems, with problems in power, phone service, transportation, paperwork, submittals and insurance payment systems.)
Announcements (Send press releases to Kenton@CompWellness.biz?subject=Announcements, eLetter All Issues)Two national celebrities, who are also practitioners in the Denver area, are giving free lectures on successive Wednesdays, 7-9PM, at Vitamin Cottage Lecture Hall, 12612 W Alameda, Lakewood CO, (303)986-4600x52.
Visit Denver in the fall the mountains are especially beautiful. We have superior business and vacation facilities as well as wonderful practitioners and the newly opened, nationally-acclaimed University of Denver Sports and Wellness Center each worth the trip by themselves. For travel arrangements, call Jo Hehnke your Colorado specialist at 1-888-Go-with-Jo.
Sept 15. Nationally-known John Douillard, DC, ND, will speak on his excellent book, Body, Mind and Sport, in which he integrates the stress-reducing techniques of mind-body medicine into a lifelong fitness program that calls for a new ideal of physical and mental balance.
Sept 22. Recent President of the American Holistic Medical Association, Robert Ivker, DO, and author of the health-saving book, Sinus Survival: The Holistic Medical Treatment for Allergies, Asthma, Bronchitis, Colds, and Sinusitis, will tell us "How to Become the Healer in Your House."
Another rising celebrity is Donald Kipp, NCTMB, who developed NeuroEnergetic Release,® a highly-effective bodywork methodology. It quickly removes recent and long-term blockages creating the conditions of health necessary to heal from most musculoskeletal ailments. There's more info at his website and at ours. Professional courses are in progress. The next free introductory lecture is in Milwaukee WI, at Lakeside School, Sept 16, 7-9PM. Register on Don's website or call (303)480-8288.
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ONE-CLICK REGISTER for your FREE, monthly 21st Century Wellness eLetter summarizing New eJournal articles and eGuide Chapters
Monday, July 12, 1999
Complementary First Aid, Part I Acupressure
One of the most portable yet highly-effective methods of complementary healthcare is Acupressure. It requires no more than a chart and a hand to administer treatments, though treatments can be administered with wooden tools as well as coupled with massage and essential oils. Both have been successfully used for thousands of years to help millions of people This article features Acupressure and is written by Monte Cunningham, a man who has spent more than 35 years studying this healthcare modality. KJ
The healing art of Acupressure is at least 5,000 years old and remains the third most popular method for pain and illness relief in the world. It is a complete health system that has been documented for use in over 3000 conditions. Anyone seeking alternatives to their current treatments, or those concerned about situations in which they may not be able to find medical help (such as Y2K), should consider this as their first treatment choice.
For the conditions listed below, you will find points that the experts agree help these conditions and that are easy to find. Sometimes you only need a few points to get results. The points follow.
For more background on Acupressure, see the full article or the Complementary Healing Acupressure Chapter.
*Pregnant women should avoid using SP 6, Li 4, and St 36.
To find the appropriate point, read the point description above, then find the general area on your skin. Gently probe the area until you find that point which gives you a "funny bone" feeling or is sensitive, tender or sore. Then press hard enough to make the point hurt.
You can use a steady pressure or a five seconds on and five seconds off rotating pressure for the time you stimulate the point. Usually one minute is sufficient for each treatment session.
Regular, systematic treatment usually gets the best results because the effects of Acupressure are cumulative. At first, frequent treatment is recommended. Treatment three times daily for five to ten minutes may be necessary. Or treat more frequent, such as every two hours, until you start feeling relief. You cannot overdose.
Some report almost immediate results; others may need a few weeks to get lasting results. Acupressure is safe. Side effects are very rare. Treat while sitting down and do not administer after meals.
To find more conditions and points, as well as more information on how to get the best results, visit the Acu-Ki Institute website.
Thirty-five years ago, Monte Cunnigham injured his back playing football in high school, causing intermittent and unexplainable pain. After two back surgeries, depression, drinking, and contemplation of suicide, he began searching for other ways of healing, studying diets, exercises and meditations. Through careful and exhaustive research, he learned techniques and developed tools that have worked for him and have helped others. In the last 15 years, he has completely freed himself of the pain. Contact: Monte Cunningham,The Acu-Ki Institute, PO Box 62, Woodruff AZ 85942, (888)853-0646.
Your Art and Prose on Our WebsiteCarrying on in the fine tradition of the CompWellness Network and the Internet, we are planning to expand our website by adding works by practitioners of, or on subjects dealing with, complementary healthcare: art, first chapters of books, short stories and poetry. From our website, the reader will be linked to an email or website to obtain available works or to communicate further with the author.
Please email your works to us with the following:
Please submit graphics as 150-200 dpi GIF or JPEG files. Please submit text in Word 7 or lower, or in HTML format, with as much formatting and color as you'd like.
For works that are for sale, there will be a $50 charge ($75 after August 30) for each work displayed on the website. For works that may be downloaded at no charge with or without publication restrictions there will be no charge.
Announcements NationalThe National Y2K Civic Prep Task Force telephone conference will focus on "Healthcare Challenges & Contingencies," and will be held from 2:00-3:30 PM EDT on July 15th. To participate in this and other teleconferences, visit the Coalition 2000 Participation page. We will be responding in the presentations, encouraging discussion of medication delivery and healthcare alternatives. Meet you there!
Announcements LocalBoulder County, Colorado has been used as a model for Y2K community organization across the US. See the Boulder Community Network site for the latest Boulder/Denver area Y2K meeting information.
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ONE-CLICK REGISTER for your FREE, monthly 21st Century Wellness eLetter summarizing New eJournal articles and eGuide Chapters
Monday, June 21, 1999
Early in the year 2000, the conventional medication stream may dry up and the medical community may be crippled. This has been verified by careful Internet and telephone research, and reports such as the US Senate, Investigating the Impact of the Year 2000 Problem, March 1999. In it, Senators Bennett and Dodd reported that 80% of conventional medications come from overseas, mostly from poorly Y2K-prepared countries. Further, according to the Gartner Group via the Senate report, 64% of hospitals (primarily smaller hospitals) have no plans to test their Y2K remediation efforts, and 90% of physicians' offices are unaware of their Y2K exposure.
This soon-to-be urgent need can be satisfied by complementary healthcare methods, if implemented soon, well before the medication stream and medical facilities falter. In addition:
Money from Health Insurance Savings:
If an option with your conventional health insurance, you may be able to reduce costs dramatically increasing the deductible from $100s to $2000 or so, and use the savings often $100+ per month to buy professional services and recommended products. Often, increases in deductible will not reduce emergency room benefits, and a good, complementary wellness program will keep most people out of the hospital.
2012 CompWellness Legacy SiteComplementary means acting as a complement to one another. Complementary Healing is an inclusive term that recognizes the interaction of many modalities in assisting an individual to healing and wellness. It implies a holistic approach that encourages a cooperative spirit among healing practitioners and is preferred to the term alternative, which creates a separation among healing modalities:
Wellness goes beyond healing and is reaching a high level of health and staying there in an active manner to assure health throughout life. Wellness has four parts:
CompWellness Network is applying this four-part program using the full spectrum of healthcare modalities Acupressure through Yoga. You may be able to modify your health insurance coverage to include many of these modalities, or raise your deductible to reduce costs making money available for the other modalities see in the Y2K article.
The goal is for you and your healthcare practitioners to work together, using the least-aggressive therapies available to treat injuries and illness, and assisting you with recovery and prevention your wellness plan.
CompWellness Network Web Site CompletedCompWellness is the site for the CompWellness Network. We are accomplishing our mission by directly influencing the media and health organizations, as well as developing and publishing information sources on complementary healing modalities and wellness online a book, this free eLetter, a journal, resources list and links, and more see our mission statement below.
AnnouncementsVolunteer Citizens of Arapahoe County for Emergency Preparedness, Denver CO, is training and supporting neighborhood Y2K organizers at monthly meetings from 5:45 to 9:00 PM at:
Touch for Health® Kinesiology Association, a newly-discovered yet long-standing organization quietly operating in the US, offers TFH practitioner referral and support, as well as education for the practitioner and the public. See their July 7-11 Las Vegas conference and July 11-18 post-conference workshops announcement or call (800)466-8342. An interesting public conference call will be Saturday, June 26th from 9:00-9:30 AM Pacific Time (580)431-8001, pass code 8997 call at 8:55.
The Rocky Mountain Holistic Health Fair will be Sunday, June 27th from 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM at the Evergreen (CO) Conference Center, 27618 Firewood Drive, for only $5 an exceptional opportunity to explore mainstream alternative healthcare for people and pets. Contact Deb Hill at Elite Events (303)233-1285, Fax: (303)233-5352 for directions and other info. See you there.
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