Complementary First Aid Database Inputs Request

    We are developing an online table about Complementary/Alternative/Holistic/Natural First Aid. It will feature members who give us inputs and well as those who supply the remedies. It is an excellent opportunity for all of us to further complementary healing modalities and our businesses. Physical remedies, such as Acupressure and Reflexology, are certainly great remedies too.

    We are doing this initially in a table, such as the one below. It is purposely duplicated completely for each entry, so it will stand alone, no matter how we sort it – by condition, remedy, supplier, etc.

    Your inputs are appreciated. You will be included by name and website.

    See the current working table online.

    This table is looking very good and should be not only a great service to our public, but a great way to get better known throughout the region and beyond, via the Internet.

Thank you.  Best, Kent

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