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2012 CompWellness Legacy Site Mission Facilitate wellness, by encouraging the use of a full complement of healthcare modalities, in the Region, US and beyond. Objectives Educate the public, their employers, governments and associations on the full range of mainstream Complementary Healthcare options, and to accelerate wellness using complementary modalities to:
Promote wellness, complementary healthcare modalities and the Members to the public via:
Develop and publish information sources on complementary healthcare modalities and wellness:
Encourage every local organization offering a healthcare benefit to expand to a full spectrum of healthcare offerings Accomplishments Published three Complementary Healing Guides
1997-1998 September 1998 Spring 1999 Spring 1999 Spring 1999 February 2000 February 2001 January 2002 2012 CompWellness Legacy Site Please forward this page to Friends and Associates ONE-CLICK REGISTER for your FREE, monthly 21st Century Wellness eLetter summarizing New eJournal articles and eGuide Chapters Home | eGuide | eJournal | eLetter | Members List | Resources | Communications | Speakers Bureau | About Us | Membership | Member Info Ctr
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