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Colon Hydrotherapy

Colon Hydrotherapy is a safe and very effective method of cleansing the colon – the large intestine – of accumulated wastes and toxins. Dating back to early Egypt, this deep cleansing permits other organs of elimination – skin, lungs, liver and kidneys – to operate more effectively, which provides detoxification of the cells throughout the body. Benefits reported include:

Additional benefits may include the improvement or relief of:

Conversely, neglecting or abusing the colon – the body's sewage system – results in distribution of the poisons of decay, fermentation and putrefaction to tissues throughout the body.

Degenerative diseases, caused largely by the build up of toxins in the body, are killing more people and affecting younger and younger people. These illnesses were comparatively rare in earlier days before mineral depletion of our soils, and widespread use of pesticides, hormones, additives and irradiation in our foods.

The process is simple, comfortable and is not painful. Purified water is introduced into the colon via a disposable speculum. Light massage dislodges toxic wastes, mucus and fecal encrustation. This is gently eliminated through the waste tube. Repeated gentle fills and releases are administered during a session which lasts approximately 45 minutes.

Colonics are most effective when done in series. The number in a series is individually assessed on information provided during the first visit. A minimum of three is highly recommended.

Source: Barbara Overton, Wheat Ridge CO.

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