Writing Guidelines Journal Guidelines for professional articles to appear in our online Wellness eJournal and our new, printed, Denver Metro CompWellness (CW) journal:
NOTE: These articles will be submitted to local and national media. They will also be referenced in our 21st Century Wellness eLetter when published. Chapter For a chapter in the Complementary Healing eGuide, the criteria are:
Please use our new format to write the following - 500-700 words - as well as provide graphics (drawings, charts, photos) for illustrations. This information will be added immediately as specific headings in our phase III upgrades - all with Source credit and a direct link to your listing in the Members List. Brief introduction (1-2 paragraphs), then headings for:
Repeat the introduction and headings for sub-categories of this modality, such as a specialized form of Chiropractic, Counseling, Massage or Kinesiology in the chapter of that name. Your Source link is another way for people to find you. See examples at Facilitation and Health Coaching Research To find all pages on our site that match your areas of expertise, go to our Site Search (on the home page: CompWellness.biz/index.htm#Search) and enter your modalities, putting quotation marks around multiple-word modalities. Click to see results for the following example: Miscellaneous For anything you write for the website, the Internet web catalogs - search engines and web crawlers - will soon pick up your name and add it to their listings, furthering your exposure on the web. We copyright our eJournal and our 21st Century Wellness eLetter, but you will be free to reprint the article as often as you desire, giving proper credit to the original copyright. Also, we will honor any copyrights you have on your work with proper crediting. Thank you very much for your participation. Please email your article ASAP. Vickie T Eaton, REGISTER for your FREE, monthly 21st Century Wellness eLetter Home | eGuide | eJournal | eLetter | Members List | Resources | Communications | Speakers Bureau | About Us | Membership | Member Info Ctr
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