A Holistic Healing Association
Denver, Colorado | 1-302-586-8665* | Info@CompWellness.biz
Breakfast Gatherings of CWPA Practitioner and Business Members
(This announcement with maps is at www.CompWellness.biz/Comm/gatherb.htm)
Limited to current CompWellness Network Members.
Space is limited
Committed Reservations are Necessary
Bring a dozen Brochures and Cards to Share
Print this announcement for best map clarity
NorthWest Metro: 1st Wednesday, 8 - 9 AM
Master Mind Teaming: announcements, introductions, then one 20-minute introduction by a Member each breakfast: In-depth presentation about one aspect of Member's practice, or help with opportunities or challenges. Email to schedule your 20-minute presentation.
Cost (aside from one's choice of breakfast): free for Members - Supporting, Basic, Limited or Full.
Location: Teleconference - be by your phone
Contact the coordinator with your interest for attending this Breakfast or RSVP for the next one: Email Kenton H Johnson, Executive Director or call 1-302-586-8665, by the Monday prior.
Denver South: 2nd Monday, 8 - 9:30 AM
Advanced Master Mind Teaming (requires a minimum six-month commitment): announcements, quick business tip, then for each participant: short introduction, check in on previous month's challenge/opportunity, establish new challenge/opportunity, then brainstorming for help and additional ideas for top success potential. Each of us calls another Team Member at about two weeks for encouragement and assistance, as needed.
Cost per six months (in addition to one's choice of breakfasts): Full Members, free; Limited, $90; Basic, $150; Supporting, $210
Location: Le Peep Grill (all smoke free), 990 West Hampden Avenue, Englewood 80110 (303)781-4718
Directions: Coming. See map at MapQuest or click this map.
Contact the coordinator with your interest for attending this Breakfast or RSVP for the next one: email Kenton H Johnson, Executive Director, or call 1-302-586-8665, by the Friday prior.
South Metro: 2nd Wednesday, 8 - 9:30 AM
Advanced Master Mind Teaming (requires a minimum six-month commitment): announcements, quick business tip, then for each participant: short introduction, check in on previous month's challenge/opportunity, establish new challenge/opportunity, then brainstorming for help and additional ideas for top success potential. Each of us calls another Team Member at about two weeks for encouragement and assistance, as needed.
Cost per six months (in addition to one's choice of breakfasts): Full Members, free; Limited, $90; Basic, $150; Supporting, $210
Location: Le Peep Restaurant (all smoke free), 44 West Denver Blvd, Highlands Ranch (303)470-7337
Directions: One block South of C-470 and Broadway at the East end of the AMC 24 Parking Lot:
From East and West- Take C470 to Broadway, proceed South 1 Block to Denver Blvd.
From South and North- Turn West at Denver Blvd and Broadway, half block to Le Peep on left. Park in their parking lot. The group sits in the Southwest Corner of the restaurant, or in the meeting room.
See map at MapQuest or click this map.
Contact the coordinator: email Kenton H Johnson, Executive Director, or call 1-302-586-8665, by the Monday prior.
Denver Central: 2nd Thursday, 8 - 9:30 AM
Advanced Master Mind Teaming (requires a minimum six-month commitment): announcements, quick business tip, then for each participant: short introduction, check in on previous month's challenge/opportunity, establish new challenge/opportunity, then brainstorming for help and additional ideas for top success potential. Each of us calls another Team Member at about two weeks for encouragement and assistance, as needed.
Cost per six months (in addition to one's choice of breakfasts): Full Members, free; Limited, $90; Basic, $150; Supporting, $210
Location: Watercourse Foods (vegetarian, all smoke free), 206 East 13th Ave, Denver 80203 (303)832-7313
Directions: Two blocks East of Broadway on 12th Avenue to Sherman, then north one block - on Southeast corner.
Park on the street - watch 1 hour parking zones, though may not start until 9 am. The group generally sits in a booth in the center section.
See map at MapQuest or click this map.
Contact the coordinator: email Kenton H Johnson, Executive Director, or call 1-302-586-8665, by the Sunday prior.
West Metro: 3rd Tuesday, 8 - 9:30 AM (OPEN to 1-2 new Participants)
Advanced Master Mind Teaming (requires a minimum six-month commitment): announcements, quick business tip, then for each participant: short introduction, check in on previous month's challenge/opportunity, establish new challenge/opportunity, then brainstorming for help and additional ideas for top success potential. Each of us calls another Team Member at about two weeks for encouragement and assistance, as needed.
Cost per six months (in addition to one's choice of breakfasts): Full Members, free; Limited, $90; Basic, $150; Supporting, $210
Location: Le Peep Grill (all smoke free), 141 Union Blvd, Lakewood (303)986-1032
Directions: Four blocks South of 6th Ave/US 6 from the Simms Exit. First floor of the Coldwell Banker Bldg. The group sits in the regular table of the restaurant.
See map at MapQuest or click this map.
Contact the coordinator with your interest for attending this Breakfast or RSVP for the next one: email Kenton H Johnson, Executive Director, or call 1-302-586-8665, by the Sunday prior.
For Members in other areas:
We'll help you form Breakfast Gatherings, focusing initially on areas close to major travel corridors and smoke-free breakfast restaurants, such as Le Peep Grill.
Download Standard Breakfast Format (84K PDF)
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*Our 1-302-586-8665 health information service is free for the first 5 minutes, then 99 cents per minute on major credit card*
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