A Holistic Healing Association
Denver, Colorado | 1-302-586-8665* | Info@CompWellness.biz
2012 CompWellness Legacy Site
The Go-To Place for Pain, Chronic Conditions and Health-Oriented Businesses. Top-ranked Professional Wellness Organization, with a strong community mission to help:
- The Public - learn about mainstream Complementary / Alternative / Holistic / Integrative:
- Health Businesses
- Provide 30 services needed to grow well
- 7:1 return on investment
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This site has been developed through the financial and editorial contributions of the Members: the leaders in the Complementary Healthcare and Wellness communities in Metro Denver and other parts of the US and North America. Please consider their services first when looking for an excellent practitioner or business.
Your feedback is always very much appreciated. Enjoy!
Kenton H Johnson

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